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hyuk pov

i feel kind of bad for what i said to changbin but not really. he deserved to be yelled at but i only talked harshly to him. i just got home from work and i'm watching some stupid k-drama that was on.

"hey hyuk..." i heard felix's quiet voice say.

"hey baby. what's up?" i asked as i turned around to look at him.

"changbin and i have decided...that we are going to break up with you...then i'm going to adopt both of the twins from you..." he said.

i didn't know what to say. at first i was shocked, then i was sad, and then i was angry. i was every emotion in the span of 30 seconds.

"hyuk...are you..ok?" felix asked.

"y-yeah, i'm fine. i guess i should go since you guys don't want me around anymore." i said.

"no wait. we could all still be friends...and i never said that i didn't love you anymore. because i still love you, i don't think i'll ever stop loving you i just can't let you be so mean to changbin and just tear our family apart anymore." felix said and walked over to me.

"i love you too, felix. and where is changbin?" i asked, i felt tears starting to gather in my eyes.

"he's in our room." felix said.

i walked into our room to see him crying. i've only seen changbin cry like 2 other times since we started dating almost a year and a half ago. 

"changbin. i'm so sorry, baby. i never meant to hurt you but you're right. i'm not what this family needs." i said. i kissed his forehead and said 'i love you' to him one last time.

i got all my stuff, which wasn't much and went back to the living room. i kissed felix's cheek and then i went to dae's room. i kissed her forehead and said to her "daddy loves you very much...i will see you again soon."

and then i was gone from all of their lives. just like that. i haven't seen them in weeks. i'm lonely and sad living in my friends basement. 

felix pov

changbin and i were drinking our morning coffee and having breakfast while watching the news. because we're that family. i looked at the news to see a report called 'local teen commits suicide by jumping off a bridge into the han river'

it intrigued me so i turned up the volume. but now i wish i had turned it off.

*reporter* "the body of a 19 year-old boy now identified as han sanghyuk was found on the shore of the han river dead early this morning. this just adds to the record breaking amount of suicides this year..." and i stopped listening after that.

"f-felix...that's hyuk...h-he's dead. and it's all our fault." changbin said and started to cry. seeing him cry and the fact that hyuk was dead made me start full-on sobbing. which made dae start crying too.

"t-the father of my ch-children is dead. if i had taken the god damn pill like i was supposed to i would've never gotten pregnant, we would've never broken up with him and then he wouldn't have killed himself." changbin said between sobs.

"don't blame it on yourself's just my fucking luck again. everyone around me and me always ends up in the worst fucking situations." i said.


i updated 2 days in a row. and for that person that commented that they wanted hyuk out of the picture, i wrote it a chapter early for you so your welcome:)

i'm not proofreading again so sorry for mistakes.

just my luck | changlix ☑Where stories live. Discover now