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changbin pov

i have been tied to some sort of pole in my ex girlfriend's basement for the past 6 hours. i am kind of dehydrated and she has sent really big muscular guys to beat me up a few times.

i'm pretty sure i have at least one broken rib and my whole body is covered in bruises. i just heard the door open and someone running down the stairs into the dark and empty basement.

it was momo.

"w-what do you want?" i asked using all my strength just to talk.

"you." she said and came over to me.

"p-please let me go. don't h-hurt felix." i said.

"i won't hurt him physically. but you have to date me again for that." she said with a smirk.

"i'm not going to date you. i never liked you, i'm gay! i just didn't want people to suspect it so i got a girlfriend." i said and then started panting from using so much energy to yell. it hurt to breath.

"so you're saying that you used me?" she asked.

"yes...i used you. and i don't feel bad about it at all." i said.

"why the fuck would you do that to a person?!" she yelled and punched me hard in the eye. then everything went black.

the next time that i woke up i was on a stretcher being put in an ambulance. i could barely see and i was being giving shots and iv's were being put in my arms. 

~6 hours later~

i woke up in a hospital room. i looked to my side to see felix sleeping on the couch in the room. i tried to be quiet but then my phone started ringing which woke him up.

"you're awake!" he said excitedly and got up.

"what day is it?" i asked.

"january 19th." he said.

"when was i taken?" he asked.

"january 18th. my mom and i called the police because we knew momo had you. but what did she do to you? we could only press charges on her for kidnapping and assault because we didn't know the rest of the story." he said.

"oh. well she sexually assaulted me too." he said.

"oh wait! the nurse told me to call her when you woke up." felix said and got up to hit the button next to bed that said 'call nurse' on it.

"how did you know that i was taken in the first place?" i asked.

"i got a series of creepy texts from an unknown number." he said.

"i'm so tired. my head feels like it is going to explode and it hurts to breath." i said.

"well your head hurts because of some serious trauma and you have 2 broken ribs, one of them pierced your lungs and nearly killed you. but when the nurse comes she will give you more pain killers." he said.

the nurse came in about 5 minutes later and asked me about how much pain i was in. then she put some more painkillers in my iv. 

"was momo arrested?" i asked felix after the nurse left.

"yeah, of course. but before she was arrested she told yoongi about the fact that i am having your child and that shit." he said.

"so now he is never gonna give us a break about it...when do i get out of here?" he asked.

"i don't know. probably awhile from now. have you seen yourself? you are covered head to toe in bruises and have 2 broken ribs. you aren't going anywhere anytime soon." he said.

all i could think was "at least i'm not dead. and it's all because of felix"


that was really bad. i'm sorry. i don't know how to even fix it.

btw if you ever see a sentence where it says jeongin but felix should be there then felix should be there. it is because i just wrote an mpreg with jeongin in it and i am really used to writing his name all the time.

just my luck | changlix ☑Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu