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felix pov

today i went back to school, i got a lot of stares and people were even  laughing at me. i knew yoongi must have told them that i was pregnant. 

changbin and i never walk into school with each other so i know that people think we just had a one night stand. which we did...but that's not the point.

"hey felix...why is everyone staring at you and whispering? they don't know, do they?" jisung asked me during lunch.

"they know...because momo told yoongi and then you know what yoongi did..." i said.

"it's gonna be okay felix." jisung said and side hugged me.

"what is all the sudden affection about?" seungmin asked as he walked up.

"yoongi told the whole school about it..." i said.

"about what?" hyunjin asked.

"you know what he's talking about." jisung said and looked at my stomach.

"oh, right." seungmin said catching on.

"it'll be alright felix. we can tell the principal to like keep an eye on you so that no one hurts you or something." hyunjin said.

"no, no it's okay." i said. i was going to ask jisung something but minho came over to our table.

"babe. we need to talk." he said to jisung.

"um...okay. what is it?" jisung asked.

"come with me. i need it to be in private." he said and jisung nodded.

"i'll be back in a minute." he said and left.

"i wonder what that was about." jeongin said.

"why have you been so quiet jeongin? you look happy but you just aren't saying anything." i asked him.

"because...my mom is getting remarried and i'm gonna have a little sister!" he said excitedly.

"really?! haven't your mom and her boyfriend only been together for like 2 years?" seungmin asked.

"yeah...but i can tell that it will last, they really love each other." jeongin said.

jisung pov

"ok...what did you need to tell me?" i asked.

"um...my parents found out...about us. i'm worried that they are going to do something to you...i don't want you to get hurt...so..." he said.

"so...you're breaking up with me?" i asked.

"y-yeah. but wait baby. i love you. so much. i want you to be mine forever...after high school i will definitely get back with you." he explained.

"i love you too, minho...but do i really have to wait another year and a half to be yours again?" i asked.

"jisung...you will always be mine...let's make a deal. both of us will not date anyone else during the rest of high school...okay?" he asked.

"deal..." i said.

"just one last time." he said and quickly cupped my face pressing a soft yet, passionate kiss onto my lips.

"does this mean that i can't even talk to you anymore?" i asked after he finally pulled away from the kiss.

"you can talk to me...i guess. we just can't hug or kiss and even hold hands anymore..." he said.

"i'm gonna miss you...minho." i said as silent tears fell down my face.

"i'm gonna miss you too, jisung." he said and kissed me for the last time.

felix pov

at this point i am 2 months pregnant. it isn't that bad...i just feel sick constantly. i throw up more than just in the morning even though it is called 'morning sickness'.

jisung told me that minho broke up with him. he wouldn't tell me why though. i really thought they would last forever and so i felt really bad for jisung.

i walked out of the house and got into my car. i drove to school just like i would any other day. i got out of my car and walked into the school just like i would any other day...but it wasn't anything like any other day.

"hey slut! how are you sure it's changbin's if you slept with 10 other guys the same night?" some annoying guy said.

"last time i checked you have 3 girlfriends. at least i don't cheat!" i yelled back as i walked by. he looked devastated and all his friends starting laughing at him.

"nice come back." changbin said.

"thanks. i'm trying my best to not let people get to me." i said.

"that's good." he said.


"hey felix." a familiar voice said.

"hey yoongi. what the fuck do you want this time?" i asked.

"why did you sleep with changbin?" he asked.

"because i was drunk, i wasn't in my right mind, yoongi." i said.

"that's just your excuse, slut." he said.

"i'm not a fucking slut yoongi. if anything you are. i've only had sex once. and it was with changbin, and i don't even remember it." i said.

"you're lying. i've seen you go to rooms with chan, seungmin and hyunjin at parties." he said.

"chan and i just made out. and i was talking to seungmin and hyunjin. i would never fuck my best friends and also they are dating, i would never do that to them." i said. i wanted to bring up the fact that they had a kid but i knew that yoongi and the rest of the school don't know that.

"ok, fine." he said and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the cafeteria. 

"what do you want with me?" i asked.

"revenge. you took changbin from my best friend." he said and then punched me in the face.

it reminded me of that day only 2 weeks ago...when my dad punched me and hurt my mother too. then me proceeded to punch me in the collar bone. i swore i heard it crack. which made me pass out.

who knows what he did to me after that.


ok so...first off this is all over the place, second i'm sorry that i made minsung break up it will matter later, and third...sorry that i made yoongi beat up/bully felix...

i'm not proofreading either so sorry for mistakes. and if i call felix jeongin i'm sorry. i'm so used to it from one night...

just my luck | changlix ☑Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt