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felix pov

"do you want to go to a party tonight?" seungmin asked me during lunch. jisung and hyunjin looked at me and shook their heads since they knew.

"sure. i'll go. where is it?" i asked, jisung and hyunjin looked at me like i was insane.

"it's at changbin's place." seungmin said.

"ok. i'll be there. jisung, hyunjin, do you wanna come too?" i asked them.

"sure. why not?" hyunjin said looking at jisung for approval and jisung nodded his head.

~later that night~

we just got to the party and it has like a good half of the school in the living room. i have already gotten offered alcohol by three people, including seungmin, and had to refuse. 

they know that i usually drink, a lot, so i am confusing them by saying that i don't want any. i don't want to say i can't because then they would ask questions. 

"what's wrong, felix?" seungmin asked me.

"nothing. why would there be something wrong with me?" i asked.

"you won't accept alcohol and you are being awkward in general." he said.

"i need to tell you something. not in here." i grabbed his wrist and took him to one of the only rooms not being used for drunk people to have sex.

"what is it?" he asked.

"remember the party we went to like a month ago?" i asked.

"yeah. why?" he asked.

"because when i was there i got really drunk and had sex with changbin and now i'm pregnant." i said quickly.

"'s okay. and i'm sorry for asking you to drink so many times, i didn't know." he said.

"well now you know." i said and we left the room.

about 30 minutes later i was going to a room with chan, who was really drunk, but i thought i would make out with him just for fun. i wasn't going to have sex with him because i heard that is bad to do when you're pregnant.

chan pushed me down on the bed and started roughly kissing me. he wasn't going to remember this, but i was so i didn't do anything too crazy.

he shoved his tongue into my mouth and our tongues fought for dominance. i let him win and his tongue explored my mouth. after awhile of making out i knew he was going to try and fuck me. i wasn't really sure how i was going to get out of it but i would find a way.

when he moved away to breath i quickly got up and left the room, confusing him. what i learned tonight is that, even drunk, chan is still a pretty good kisser. that isn't the first time we have kissed or made out because i dated him for a little over a year.

i don't know why we aren't friends anymore. we just aren't in the same grade or friend group. he is friends with the person whose baby i'm carrying though. changbin tries to hide it but he actually doesn't drink alcohol so i'm going to tell him now.

"changbin!" i yelled over the music and he turned towards me.

"hey felix. what's up?" he asked walking up to me.

"i need to tell you something. something really important. come here." i said and grabbed his hand. i took him into the same room chan and i just made out in, luckily chan was gone.

"what?" he asked.

"do you remember that night like a month ago?" i asked kinda quietly.

"y-yeah, kind of. why?" he asked.

"" i couldn't figure out how to say it.

"just say it." he said.

"i'm pregnant. are you mad at me?" i asked.

he ran his fingers through his hair and breathed out in a stressed way. "you aren't joking, right?" he asked.

"i wouldn't joke about something like this." i said.

"are you gonna keep it?" he asked and i nodded.

"i don't want to kill an innocent life." i said.

"i guess i'm not mad at you. more mad at myself. you know i was sober that night?" he asked.

"well back then i didn't know. i do now because you never drink." i said.

"yeah...i don't. i'm willing to help you whenever you want..." he said.

"good. i was worried you were going to hate me and leave me alone to raise our kid." i said.

"i wouldn't do that. even though i barely know you, i wouldn't leave you with our child, that is kind of my fault for not using protection." he said.

"we can make a plan later. by the mom wants to meet you..." i said truthfully.

"are you serious? i don't want to meet your mom when i barely know you." he said.

"we could change that." i said. 

"we have to at the least be friends. we just will have a little us running around in like 8 months." he said and i smiled.

"yeah. i hope that can happen." i said.

well that went way better than i thought it would.


that chapter wasn't that bad actually. well to me. was it good? it took me forever to write.

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