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felix pov

it has been a day since woojin was brutally murdered. we told chan about 2 hours ago, he's just devastated. he has been sobbing uncontrollably ever since.

"hey changbin...i'm gonna go home for awhile with dae. make sure chan is okay." i said.

"okay, see you later." he said.

i took dae back to the car and put her in her seat. i ran out of milk to give her so now i have to go back home and make more bottles. she is also pretty exhausted, it was super loud all night so she didn't get any good sleep.

i walked into the house with dae in my arms since i didn't want to carry the carrier, it is too much work to put it in the car. i made like 10 bottles of milk and gave her one. she drank it pretty fast.

"i'm sorry that i didn't feed you sooner..." i said. 

then my phone started ringing. i sat down and put dae in my lap and then answered it.

"hello?" i asked.

"is this lee felix?" a woman's voice asked.

"yes...who is this?" i asked.

"i'm a staff member at kim corp. you applied for a job as a secretary here, i am calling to tell you that you got the job." she said happily.

"really? when do i start?" i asked. 

"is tomorrow okay? we need you as soon as possible." she asked.

"i can try...but my friend was just murdered...you may have seen it on the news, his name was kim woojin." i said.

"oh...i did see that this morning...i'm really sorry to hear that. i'll call you back and tell you if we can change when you need to work." she said.

"thank you so much. bye." i said.

"it was no problem. bye." she said and hung up.

dae started to cry. babies are so difficult. but i love her so much. i finally got her to go to sleep, i was about to take a short nap when someone knocked on the door.

i opened it to see hyuk. 

"oh hey hyuk." i said and then yawned.

"is changbin here?" he asked.

"no, he is at the hospital visiting chan." i said.

"good." he said.

"what do you mean good?" i asked.

"what i mean by good is this." he said and cupped my face and kissed me.

at first i kissed back before realizing that he was cheating on changbin with me so i pushed him away.

"um...why did you do that?" i asked.

"because i love you felix. but i also love changbin..." he said.

i almost choked.

"i-i love changbin too...i kinda like you too...but i have only known you for a month." i said. "do you wanna actually come in?" i asked.

"oh yeah, sure." he said. we sat down on the couch next to each other.

"do you support polyamorous relationships? as in dating more than one person." he asked.

"yeah...you want to be in one with changbin and i, don't you?" i asked.

"of course i do! i love both of you, and you love both of us." he said.

"love is a strong word. plus...changbin doesn't love me." i said.

"he does, actually. at the very beginning of our relationship we agreed to be in an open-relationship, and like last week he told me that he is so in love with you. and then i said i was also in love with you. but we both agreed that we still love each other." he said.

"can you take care of dae for like an hour?" i asked.

"i guess, yeah." he said.

"ok, if she wakes up give her a bottle of milk from the fridge. and she'll probably have to be changed soon. also if she won't stop crying just give her her pacifier and she should calm down." i said.

"is that all?" he asked.

"oh yeah, after you feed her burp her, and be warned, she will probably throw up on you." i said.

"ok, i got it." he said.

i was about to walk out the door.

"wait-come here." he said.

i walked over to him and he kissed me softly. i rolled my eyes at him and then left. i was kinda scared to leave dae with hyuk, i mean, i trust him, i just now that he has no experience with babies.

i got in my car and drove to the hospital. once i got there i went up the elevator to chan's floor. i knocked softly and then walked in. chan was asleep and changbin was just on his phone.

"hey changbin, can we talk in the hallway for a second?" i asked.

"um...sure." he said.

we walked out into the hallway.

"changbin i-" i said but i couldn't hold back and kissed him. he turned me around and pushed me against the wall, our lips still connected.

he pulled back and said "i love you." 

"i-i love you too." i said.

"did hyuk tell you?" he asked.

"actually, he came over and confessed to me and then said that you loved me too and that he wanted to be in a polyamorous relationship with us." i said.

"i want that too." he said.

"me too." i said.


sorry for the late update again...

but changlix is happening now! although they are also with hyuk...but it's still changlix!

i'm not proofreading so sorry for mistakes!

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