Chapter 31: How do you plead ?

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***EJ's POV***

They woke me up early so i could get ready for court. They fed me some lumpy ass oatmeal with no sugar for breakfast and after i was done, they escorted me down to a separte room where my clothes were waiting for me.

I walked in the room and looked around. It was empty besides a square wooden table and a chair. My suit was lying on the table along with a pair of shoes.

"Hurry up." The gaurd barked at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to where the suit was. Out of habit, i looked at the label on the inside. To my surprise, it was a brand new Armani suit. The custom cuff links told me this had been Elle's doing.

I put the suit on quickly and then tied my tie. I didn't have a mirror so i did the best i could under the circumstances. I grabbed the shoes off the table and put them on. They were a brand new pair of wing tipped Stacy Adam's. Another gift from Elle.

"I'm done." i looked at the gaurd.

He nodded at me and opened the door. Jackson walked in and smiled at me.

"You look great, man." he said.

"Thanks." i sighed. "Thank Elle for the suit for me."

"I will." he nodded. "Let me fix your tie for you." He walked over and adjusted my tie a little, then patted me on the shoulder. "Elle told me to tell you, whatever you decide to do, she'll always love you."

I nodded and bit my lip. I could feel the tears coming but i refused to cry. I was glaf she was still on my side after what i put her through. I swear if i ever get out of this shit, i'd make it up to her.

"You ready ?" he asked.

"As ready as i'll ever be." i sighed.

"Well let's go then." The gaurd came over and put me in cuffs, then i was escorted out of the building and into a bus.

I sat down in the fourth seat and looked out the window. I wanted to see everything before they took me away. I never imagined, i would be sitting on a bus on my way to my sentencing. I never thought i would get caught at all. It was all over now though.

We pulled up to the courtroom and the driver stopped the bus.

"Let's go." the gaurd said.

I got up and got off the bus. They escorted me inside the building through a side entrance at the back. Jackson was there waiting for me.

He patted me on the shoulder and looked at me seriously. "No matter how you're feeling right now. Go in there with your head held high. They will try to break you, Call you a criminal, but that does not define you. You are not a criminal. You're human, just like i am, and just like they are. We all do shit we aren't proud of but we can't let those things define us. Ej, do not go in there and let those people tell you who you are. Regardless of the situation, they don't know you. They don't know shit about where you came from or what you had to do to get out of there. All they know is what's written in black and white. But you and i both know that nothing in life is black and white. And that's why we're here now. This is not the end for you. This is the beginning."

His words made me really think about my situation. He was right though. I did some terrible shit in my life but who hasn't ? I did what i had to do to survive. Could i have changed ? Yeah, i could have. But i was comfortable. All i've ever know was the game. It's hard to walk away from that. None of it mattered now though. I was going to serve the time i deserved and when i got out, hopefully i'd be a new man.

"You ready to do this ?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sighed, nodding my head. "I'm ready."

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