Chapter 13: Collide Part 1

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***ELLE'S POV***

"How are you ?" i asked EJ over speakerphone. I had just come from dropping Aj off at Tasha's house out in south beach.

"I'm fine, nigga" he said in an annoyed tone.

"Bitch, i'm just asking. I haven't seen your dumbass since the party and that was two weeks ago."

"I'm good, i promise"

"Are you still being followed ?"


"So what the fuck have you been doing ?"

"Shit, chilling. I can't work so i just hit the strip club every night."

"Idiot" i sighed. "So, what's up with you and Lee ?" i asked.

"Not a damn thing !"

"Why ? i thought yall were feeling each other. What changed ?"

"She wouldn't give me the pussy."

"Are you fucking serious ?"

"Yeah ! that shit confused the fuck out of me too."

"Ej..." i took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. "You're my brother and i love you to death but grow the fuck up."

"Fuck you mean ?"

"Exactly what i said. You're a grown ass man acting like a fucking child. You finally met a woman with her shit together and you let her go because she wouldn't sleep with you ? Shit, i don't blame her. I wouldn't sleep with yo hoe ass either"

"Wow. I can't believe you would stick up for this bitch you just met. I'm your brother, you're supposed to be on my side."

"I'm always on your side but i'm not about kiss your ass and tell you you're right when i know you're wrong"

"That's what the fuck you're supposed to do"

"Ej, shut the fuck up. When will you realize the world does not revolve around you ? If you don't man the fuck up and get your shit together you're going to fuck up your life."

"You don't have the answers to my life !" he raised his voice

"Bitch, get the fuck off my line. I can't continue this conversation, i have adult shit to do."

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do, i'll hang up whenever the fu-" i hung up in his face, cutting him off mid sentence. I'm tired of entertaining his bullshit.

My phone started to ring again and i ignored it. Ej better quit fucking with me before i shoot him in the dick. I thought my phone would've stopped ringing by now but it was still blowing up. I got tired of it so i just went ahead and answered it.

"WHAT !" i yelled.

"Damn, is this how you always answer the phone ?"

"Karter ?"

"The one only."

"How the fuck did you get my number ?" i smacked my teeth.

"April gave it to me. Look, i didn't call to fuck with you."

"Then, what do you want ?"

"You're pictures are finished. I would meet you somewhere to give them to you but the brakes on my car have been acting up."

"What's the address ?" i sighed.

"I'll text it to you."

"Alright, see you in a few." i hung up.

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