Chapter 1:New Faces

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***Elle's POV***

I was lying in bed, asleep when i felt sloppy kisses being planted all over my face. I opened my eyes and my son Aj was leaning over me, smiling.

"Good morning mommy" he giggled

"Good morning baby" i smiled, sitting up. "You hungry ?" He shook his head yes. "Well let's go make breakfast" I got out of bed and let him get on back, then we headed to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat ?" i said looking through the fridge.

"Hmm..." he cupped his chin and pretended to look deep in thought. "Waffles !"

"Okay, let's find you something to watch" I went in the livingroom and connected the tv to netflix then i turned on syd the science kid. Aj loved that show.

I went back in the kitchen and started on breakfast. I mixed up the home made batter then i put some into the waffle maker. After all the waffles were done, i cooked some bacon and scrambled eggs with cheese and hashbrowns.

"Aj come eat" i called from the kitchen. I picked him up so he could sit at the island then i sat his plate down in front of him.

"Damn it smells good as hell in here !" Ej said as he walked into the kitchen. I handed him his plate and then fixed my own.

"So what's the move for today ?" Ej asked while taking a sip of his orange juice

"I have class in two hours and then after that i have to come back home and get ready for my my meeting with Jayme. He said he had a big project for me so i have to go see what that's all about."

"Well good luck with that. Me and mini me are just gonna chill all day, maybe hit the park and pull a few single mothers, who knows" he shrugged.

"Don't you have something better to do ? Like work"

"Nope" he said popping the p. "I'm paying people to do it all for me. I'm trying to keep a low profile these days"

"I guess." I say, finishing up my food. I washed my plate, then i headed to my room to get ready.

I put on a black long sleeve leotard and a pair of black leggings. Then i put on my black and white speckled roshe runs and put my hair in a curly bun. I grabbed my phone and car keys and headed out.

"Be good" i said kissing Aj on the forehead "You too, ugly" i mushed Ej

"Ya mama ugly" he pushed me

"Idiot, we have the same mama"

"I was talking to Aj ! hurry up and get out"

"Whatever, take care of my baby"

I left the house and hopped in my all white range rover and headed to my studio. I teach dance classes three days a week. On Mondays i teach hip hop, on Wedenesday i teach modern dance for for little girls and on Fridays i teach pole dancing. Just from growing up in Jamaica, I've always been good at dancing but i never did anything with it because i was so wrapped up in hustling.

I unlocked the door to the building and went inside. I turned all the lights on and began setting up while i waited for all the girls to get here.

"Ahem" i heard somebody clear their throat. I turned around to see who it was. It was a man and a small little girl, who looked like she was around my son's age. He was tall and muscular with a smooth brown skin complexion and tattoo's peaking from under his shirt.

"Hello, can i help you with something ?"

"Yes" he smiled at me "Hi,I'm Karter and this little lady here is my daughter Karii" he said pointing to the little girl hiding behind his leg. Something about him seemed vaugly familiar.

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