Chapter Six: Is That a Challenge ?

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***Elle's POV***

"Ma, who the hell is this ?" I asked, holding up a picture of her and some man. He was kind of fine for an older man. He was a tall light skin man with curly hair and a soul patch. He bore a striking resemblence to Rick Fox.

"Nobody" she snatched the picture out of my hand and put it in her back pocket.

"Ma, are you seeing someone ?" i grinned

"I have no clue what you're talking about Elle. And if i was it would be none of your damn business !"

"Oh my gosh !" i gasped "You are seeing someone ! Ugh i can't wait to tell Ej !"

"No ! Don't tell your brother ! I love my son but that boy aint got the sense god gave him" she shook her head.

"True but you might as well tell him now before this guy shows up for dinner and Ej has no clue who the hell he is."

"I know" she sighed. "But you know how he is. He's so overprotective of us"

"He is" i rolled my eyes.

"Nona !" Aj came running in the kitchen "Can i have a cookie" he gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure you can, baby" she smiled, opening up the cookie jar.

"You guys need to stop spoiling my baby"

"Girl, hush. I know how to raise a child"

"I'm serious ! You and Ej pump him full of sugar and i'm the one who has to deal with his hyper ass"

"You know i can't say no to my only grandbaby." she grinned. "I always thought your brother would bring home the first baby, as horny as that child is."

"Don't jinx it, mama."

"Shit, let me knock on wood"

"What time is it ?" i asked.

"It's close to five"

"Shit. Mama, i have to go. I forgot Aj has a doctors apointment in twenty minutes"

"You better get going then"

"Alright mama, i'll see you later" i stood up and hugged her. "Aj, come say bye"

"Bye Nona" he hugged her legs.

"Bye baby" she bent down and kissed him on the forehead. "Be good"

"I will" he smiled. Liar. He'd be good for five minutes then he was right back to raising hell. It was Ej's fault, He brainwashed my son into being his clone.

"Okay, come on Aj." i picked him up. "Bye mama" i kissed her on the cheek and headed out the door.

We were right around the corner from the Doctor's office when my phone rang.

"Hello ?" i answered.

"Is this Elle Banks ?" a woman asked.

"This is she, how may i help you ?"

"Hello Elle, My name is Amber woods from Jackson Memorial Hospital. I'm calling to inform you that Doctor Carson had an emergency come up and he's resheduled your appointment for next wednesday. He sends his apologies to you and your son."

"Oh.. um, ok. I guess wednesday is fine for me. Thank you for calling, Amber."

"No problem ma'am, enjoy the rest of your evening"

"Damn" i sighed, hanging up the phone. "Looks like we're not going to the doctor today kid" i looked at Aj in the rearview mirror.

"Yay !"

Nothing But Trouble (All The Way Home Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon