Chapter 30: Think about it.

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***EJ'S POV***

I had only been in jail for four days and i already hated that shit. The food was nasty as hell. All they fed us was sandwhiches every day. Nasty ass sandwhiches with stale white bread and hard ass bologna.

The cell they had me in was tiny. All i had was a bunk, a toilet, and a sink. Half the time the toilet didn't even flush all the way.

Thankfully, i didn't have a cell mate, so i didn't have to worry about somebody killing me in my sleep -Not that i was worried- I just didn't have the time or the patience to put up with somebody in that small ass cell.

As i laid down in my bunk, i couldn't help but think about how bad i had fucked up this time. What bothered me the most was that i wasn't going to be there for Aj. I was supposed to be a possitve role model for him, somebody he could look up to but i fucked that up. I let him down. I let my sister down. I let everybody down.

"Banks." The gaurd knocked on my cell with his night stick. "You have a visitor."

"Finally" i mumbled under my breath. I got up from my bunk and made my way over to the C.O. He put me in cuffs, then he escorted me down to a private room. To my disappointment, it was jackson waiting for me inside the room, not Elle.

"Ej." he stood up from his chair.

"Sup jack." I nodded at him. The CO took off my cuffs and left the room, leaving me and jackson alone. "So, what's this about ?" i said, rubbing my wrist. Those cuffs were tight as fuck and cut off my circulation.

"Your sister sent me here to discuss your case with you." he smoothed down his tie.

"Why didn't she come ?" i sat down.

"She wanted to but she's been busy trying to get your affairs in order." he said, hinting at something.


"So how are you ?" he asked, ginuinely concerned.

"Hungry, Dehydrated, Sleep deprived, Uncomfortable, Constipated. The list could go on and on. But as a whole, i guess you could say i'm doing pretty fucking terrible." I said, casually.

"I'm sorry... How about we discuss the case" he said changing the subject.

"Fine by me." i sighed.

"Alright. I'll just get straight to the point. Ej, you're going to jail. The evidence they have on you is substantial enough to hold up in court. I've done all i can but at this point, there's not much i can do to prevent this."

"There has to be some way. I can't do twenty years Jack. I have people that need me." I said, fraustrated.

"I'm sorry Ej." he looked at me sadly. "The best i can do is get your sentence reduced a few years. But that's if you plead guilty to your charges. If you choose to plead not guilty and take this to trial, you will lose. No matter how good of an attourney i am, the evidence is too strong to argue against."

"Hell the fuck no. I'm not pleading guilty." i shook my head. "Fuck that."

"Look. I know it's bad but if you plead gulity, you could get fifteen years and be up for parole in three." he leaned foward in his chair. "Three years is a walk in the park compared to twenty, with no parole

... Just think about it."

***ELLE'S POV***

"Hello ?" i answered my phone, while simultaneously counting money.

"Elle. It's jackson. Do you have a minute ?"

"Yeah. What's up ?" i said, putting a rubberband over the stack.

"Ej's sentencing is next week. I know it's sudden but i'm telling you now so you can prepare your family for what's about to happen."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Is he going to take the plea ?"

"I honestly don't know. I talked to him about it but he didn't seem too open to the idea."

"I figured." i sighed. "It's alright. Whatever happens, we're ready."

"I hope so. I'll talk to you later Elle. Keep your head up."

"I will. Thanks Jack."

I hung up the phone and threw it on the couch. I was in the living room loading money into the counter. So far, the total was fifty thousound. I still had a quarter of the money left to count.

After i counted the rest of money, i put bands on the stacks and stuffed them back into the duffel. It took a moment for me to realize that there was eighty thousand dollars in my living room. Sighing, i dragged the bag to my bedroom. Using all my strength, i hoisted the bag up and set it on the top shelf of my closet.

I laid back on my bed, exhausted from lifting that bag, and closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep but i couldn't. I hadn't had a good nights sleep in almost five days. I was just so fucking stressed. Every time i closed my eyes all i could picture was my brother's face. Deep down, i felt like this was my fault. I just wish i could have done more. I wanted to fix this so bad... but i knew there was nothing to be done. My brother was going to jail and there was nothing i could do to stop it.

***A/N: This was just a filler so sorry if it was super boring. The next chapter will be his court date. Hopefully i'll have that done within the next two days.


Peace, love, and pizza rolls ❤

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