~ Chapter 32 ~

161 11 6

Year: 3205

It feels like I am swallowing a giant wave of water, like I'm drowning. It confuses me because I have not seen a single drop of water since I've come to Mars. The gurgling sensation comes out of my mouth as I open my eyes. I cough violently as well, causing my throat to hurt. As if that wasn't enough, a surge of memories come at me, memories that aren't even mine: a younger version of Vulcano from before he was Grand Master, Elemental Storm before he was Master, even Aqú and Qor appear...but it's all in a context foreign to me.

My eye-sight is slowly coming to it. I start to think back to Qor's worried expression before I passed out completely. His worry made him do something to me that I am yet to fully understand. That's when I look at my new hand. It's not a normal human-hand anymore. This is something else entirely, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It does move however when I try to move it. My entire body is shaking though, as if it's adapting to something new. It must be, otherwise I don't know why I would feel the way I do. Both physically and emotionally, something is changing in me.

I am lying in some sort of bed, covered by a sheet that I slowly remove from myself. I am still in my uniform, but it's completely ruined. The small particles of the Martian-sand have ruined it. There is dim lighting around me, enough for me to see colors, but not enough to give me a proper idea of where I truly am at the moment. All I remember for sure, is Qor's sudden panic and Aqú staying behind to allow Qor and I to escape, but where I am now, whether I am with good Martians or bad, is beyond my knowledge at the moment. The only thing I know for certain is that I am changing into something else.

I sense mumbling in the distance. I can't hear it, but it's as if a part of me just senses it. It gains my curiosity as I try to swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I notice then that my arm is attached to a bag of some blue content...wait, no, it might be purple. It's attached to the arm where I have my new hand. I grab the plastic bag and hold it in my hand. My mind still wanders to the mumbling that I sense down the hall. I manage to stuff the plastic bag in a pocked on my chest before I try to stand. My legs almost give way, but I manage to stay on them. I fight my way to the wall and lean heavily against it.

I get closer and closer to the mumbling. They are slowly turning into words, but my concentration is mostly based on standing up and managing to take one step after the other. It feels surreal to suddenly lean on a hand that I didn't have before. I know I managed to move my fingers as if it was normal, but I know it's not normal anymore. I am going to have to find a new definition on 'normal' in the upcoming days. What I want now though, is answers. Why am I on Mars? Why do I have this hand? What is going on inside my head? Everything just feels wrong.

"One way or another, he's going to find out. Maybe he already knows based on the powers he inherited from Pool." I immediately stop. Maybe I already know? Powers from Pool, as in Senior Pool? I have his powers? How? "He cannot control them yet, Aqú. We need to make sure he knows how to move forward and learn to control his new powers. Telling him this could change everything." I don't know this voice. This is a completely foreign voice to me, but I recognize Aqú's voice immediately. I don't know what he did to end up here, but apparently, he did it well, because there are barely any scratches on him from what I can see.

"You might be old and wise, Teacher, but you do not know this boy. Breeze is a lot like our dear friend that the Grand Master killed, but he has been through far more than he should have been able to handle." Aqú goes on. I struggle to keep my composure. It is becoming obvious to me that Senior Pool knew the other guy, possibly fought him or something, maybe he even worked with this Martian. "Once he finds out what happened on the Moon, he will go off the rails. If he hears it from us, or more to the point, me, we might be able to prevent that from happening." Aqú goes on.

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