~ Chapter 12 ~

697 41 19

Year: 3205
The Military Academy

Grand Master Vulcano:
"So, I take it you enjoyed the big show, Grand Master?" I hear behind me as Master Storm enters the room. "I have to admit, that boy had more fight in him than I expected for his level." I'm keeping a watchful eye at the Elementals in training below while Master Storm is walking up next to me. The whole point was to let the kid know that we are watching him. We see him and every move he makes, even when he doesn't think we do. We know he's trying to mend things with his partner. He must know by now that it's a complicated process, but he's come much further in than I anticipated.

"Yes, he had. I have kept a watchful eye on the development of his weapon. By my estimates, that show down there was the first time he ever used it. It's far more powerful than it should be." I keep my eyes on the training sessions below. All the Elementals must be thinking that I am observing them, but honestly, they are mostly of no interest to me. There is one I'm watching down there, one who's yet to answer to my offer of help. She hasn't approached me yet, but I am sure that is only a matter of time. I am putting wedges between her and her partner. It's a slow, ongoing process, but it's working.

"It was probably that favorite Senior of his that made some fixes to his weapon. I saw the weapon once too. Like you said, it was nowhere near complete and ready for a dual, let alone a demonstration." Master Storm mentions as I finally turn my head towards him. Master Storm proves a valuable point. That Senior has been a slippery one to keep track of. We haven't been able to keep an adamant eye on him. "He's a sneaky one, indeed." I answer.

I walk over to my desk and pull up his profile on a holographic screen. Everything about it seems normal on the screen...too normal. That is most definitely a problem. "Trained in the Western Academy, it says..." I spin the screen around for Master Storm to see for himself. It's easy to see that these records are manufactured. They either don't have the proper technology to fake it, or they just didn't think I'd have him as closely on my radar as I do.

"I have connections in that place, Grand Master. I was trained there at the same time as he allegedly was. No other Senior has ever seen him either. There are always some Elementals that turn into ghosts and are hardly noticed, but the Senior I confided in, he's been there through all his years, close to 50 years, and he would've recognized this 'Senior Fall' if he had gone through the training like the records suggest." Master Storm goes on. On surveillance, I can see that he's at the medical center with his precious Elemental and his brother.

"The mystery no longer lies in whether he is from Earth or not, the mystery lies in who he really works for. I know for sure that he worked for the same party as my stupid brother, but I need to know the names. I need to know if there are any other enemies out there that I need to be aware of." I look up at Master Storm who walks towards the window. "Where is your mind at, Master Storm?" I always recognize that look on his face. He's got something in mind.

"The weapon...like we both agreed upon, there's something off about it. Somebody enhanced its powers to an extent that I have not experienced since my days fighting on Mars." He goes on. His trail of thoughts intrigue me. "An interesting point. Why don't you take a closer look on that weapon when they finish their sessions down there? Identify the actual power-source. I want to know what kind of power we are up against..."

"That was quite the show out there..." Aqú says rather with a clear voice before he moves closer to Rain and me. "Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?" He raises his eyebrows and I know what he means. I am getting close. Somehow, without even knowing it, I am getting uncomfortably close to whatever it is that the Grand Master is scheming. I know Master Elemental Storm could've showed me a hell of a lot more than he did. He probably wanted to, but it remained as a warning. I should consider myself lucky to 'only' end up with a bad shoulder.

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