~ Chapter 24 ~

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A/N: Writing this on top so that people read it. Most of this a written a while back, so don't think of me as pushing myself, but rather distracting myself. Dad has been hospitalized over the Christmas, but the degree of infection is slowing down, and he be eligble to come home tomorrow (super excited :D). AS FOR THIS CHAPTER, I decided to add a soundtrack by my 'dragons' (Imagine Dragons), called "Dream". Listen and read, or read and then listen. It'll make sense. ENJOY!

!! ALSO, there are obvious typos and grammatical errors in this chapter, but they are deliberate as to create an accent !!


Year: 3205

I can't tell for sure if what I see is a dream or memory. Those are two things that I am finding hard to distinguish. Whatever this is though, I do know that I am staring at a house, covered in white powder snow with lights shining out of its windows. The wind is rushing past it, cutting through the air like a million knives. Any human skin would fall victim to them. I know that perhaps better than I ideally should. I got caught in one of these storms and was nearly killed. However fragile this house seems, the inhabitants inside it seems to be protected. It feels like something is playing a trick with my mind because it looks familiar.

"Father, can you come in here?" A young boy's voice calls out. I am suddenly inside the house, in the corner of this boy's room when the father opens the door. The boy has his head in a book when the old man appears. "What is it, Conor?" He asks. "I was wondering about something. Can you come here and identify this planet? I don't recognize it." The boy says. I get curious as well, but I keep my distance for now. "Oh my..." the man starts as he puts his glasses on. "I must say I haven't seen this picture in quite a while." He answered. "Well, what planet is it?" The boy asks impatiently. "Well, believe it or not, this our planet...at least it used to be." The man answers regretfully.

"What do you mean?" The boy asks confused. "Yes, used to be. Our planet does not look like this anymore. It used to have this bright, beautiful blue color that covered most of it. Now, there's hardly any of it left. If it wasn't for the weather bringing us the rain, we'd perish." The father answers. "What color does our planet have?" The son then asks. "I do not know, son. I have not been in space to have that knowledge." "But we can do something to make it better, right? We have to save our planet." The boy eagerly asks.

"My brother is with them now. They picked him up earlier today so that he could help save our home?" The boy goes on as he looks back at the book. The father's face turns sad at the mention of it. "Yes, he is. Although we would have needed his hands to continue harvesting water from the ice up here, they seemed to need him even more." The man answers. The boy tilts his head as he looks at his father. After a moment of silence, the man closes the boy's book and helps him get underneath the covers.

"Father." He says as the father gets up. "Yes, son." "I want to go help my brother. If they see me fit for it, I want to save the world with him and all the others." The boy goes on to say. "Sure, you do. Now, you go to sleep, Conor. Even future heroes need to rest their eyes and be prepared for the next day. That means no reading after lights out." His father warns him. "Okay." The boy answers innocently before the father turns off the lights and leaves the room.

After a few minutes however, the boy reaches for a small lantern on the floor and turns it on near the head of his bed. He opens the book once more, and this time I take a few steps closer to get a look. Some of the pictures he goes through in the book are so colorful that I find it hard to believe that they have once been on this planet. There is one with a large bed of green grass I believe it is. In the next picture it's all blue, an ocean as far as the eye could see. Furthermore, there are deserts in the blazing sun, forests covered in leaves and a different shade of green, fjords...

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