~ Chapter 15 ~

436 27 9

Year: 3205
The Military Academy

Grand Master Vulcano:
"So, I presume you want me to return that favor? After all, it seems like it's twenty years overdue." I tell him with a smirk on my face. He's standing somewhat unsteadily in front of me. The flames earlier caught him by surprise. I look down at Blaze for a moment, wondering what I want her to do next. This so-called Senior, now proved to be Martian, is a threat. He is one out of many. I might actually need him when I think about it. He knows who else poses a threat to me. Maybe I could keep him as a prisoner and torture the information out of him.

"You see, that is an arrangement I could work with." He answers, snapping me out of my thoughts. I'm almost annoyed. He keeps a lighter tone than my brother used to. He seems to be one who's easy to underestimate. Looking at him I can tell why that is. "That's not really going to happen though, is it?" He admits shortly afterwards. "You're not stupid like my brother, I'll give you that much." I answer. "Oh no, not stupid, smart. Your brother was smart too. You? Not so much. You failed to remember my face from twenty years ago, and you fail to see the real threat..." He answers.

I look at him curiously. "My brother was smart enough to get himself killed. He was smart enough to embrace it unlike what I see in you." I start. "Why don't you enlighten me of the real threat then? I see you're in a lecturing mood." I make sure to add. He smirks at me. "Why would I want to do that? Why would I spoil the surprise? Besides, if you're that smart, you would've known it by now. I mean, there are other things than just Martians coming for you and that sleazy smirk of yours." He answers. He's growing bold in his choice of words.

"Your little Master-buddy told me earlier tonight that I was all alone, and therefore I stood no chance. Physically and mentally, neither of you seem to get it. I may just be a Martian with an Elemental standing up against you two Master Elementals, but we're not the only pieces in play. Past Earth and the Moon are powerful weapons. They're far more powerful than any element in living memory." He says with a distinct look in his eye. I take a deep breath, controlling myself. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?"

I take a few steps towards him, looking down at him as I'm just a little bit taller. "You seem to know an awful lot about Elemental powers." My mouth forms a thin line on my face. I'm sure he's starting to see how little I like this little game he tries to play on me. I know he's only buying himself some time, and I don't like it. "For many, many years it has been my job to learn, to know, to master and infiltrate. We Martians in general adapt rather well to your powers." He answers confidently. "But you can't control them in the same way that we can." I continue. "Maybe not...if we could this meaningless war would've been over a long time ago."

I smile at him. He is such a fool and in a matter of minutes, he will be gone. I walk back to Blaze who's just standing there. Her mind will not collect a single word of the conversation at hand. As long as the Phoenix inside of her is mine to control, her memory will not recall any of the things I've made her do so far. My brother did a good job training her and trying to hide the Phoenix as deep within her as possible. Because of that, it takes a certain amount of effort to lure it out. Once I do however, she's completely subdued to my commands.

The Martian keeps an eye on her before he looks up at me. "Makes you feel powerful, doesn't it? Controlling somebody else's mind." He challenges me. His face is darker than it was earlier. I grin weakly before I mentally give Blaze the command to throw her flames at him. Though he's been undercover here as a Water-elemental, he fails to produce an element to protect him from the heat. His cloak however, seems to be made of some different kind of material, protecting him from the worst of it. He still gets burns, but not as serious as I would like them to be.

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