Ch. 55 - A Twist of Fate

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The rest of the week flew by in an exhausting blur. Eve became a true stranger to sleep as she struggled to competently perform both jobs in a hectic camp environment. It was insane to think there were only two weeks left of summer camp. While she probably should've been feeling sad about this adventure coming to an end, Eve felt... relieved.

"So, you're really not sad?" Auden asked, her eyes meeting Eve's in the bathroom like a wounded animal.

Eve finished the task of washing camp grime from her hands with an exasperated sigh.

"That's not what I meant. It's complicated, Auden. This summer hasn't been at all what I expected."

Auden handed her a few paper towels and leaned back against the closed staff bathroom door.

"It's never what you expect," she reasoned, "I always learn something new every year."

Eve discarded the moist towels and tried to fix her messy bun into a semblance of order.

"I've learned a lot, Auden. I'm just not sure that all of this," she motioned wildly, "is for me."

"I couldn't disagree more," Auden said with a quiet fierceness that took Eve by surprise, "I haven't seen you this happy since the tornado."

Eve stilled and gripped the sink for support. Even the word "tornado" threatened to suck the stability from her bones.

"You have built a family here. You finally reconnected with Ellison. You've been more open and honest here than you've been in years, Eve. You've even allowed yourself to enjoy a little romance, which I never thought you'd do. You've deprived yourself of happiness and punished yourself for too long and honestly," Auden sucked in a breath, exhausted from her speech, "I really feel like Wabanaki is your home."

Eve was truly stunned.

"I had no idea you felt this way," she whispered, a sheen of unshed tears rippling above her lower lash line, "I don't know what to say."

Auden adjusted her backpack as her bravado faded.

"Well... I've been holding it back, which I probably shouldn't have done, but better late than never."

Eve turned to face her best friend and sniffed loudly, swiping at the unruly tears.

"Life has gotten away from me," she admitted, "and it freaks me out."

Auden shrugged half-heartedly.

"Join the club. I'm waiting to hear back on my last certification test to see if I'll get my teaching license. I have no idea what's going to happen next."

Eve chewed her lip, the guilt gnawing away at her.

"I haven't even asked about it. What kind of self absorbed friend does that?"

Auden laughed through her own tears.

"A best friend who has her hands full."

"No," Eve shook her head, "I'm sorry, Auden. I've been so caught up in this Zayne drama and trying to adjust to camp life, I've become a really shitty friend."

Auden reached out for her hand.

"Girl, don't be so hard on yourself. I hear you, I forgive you, and I just want to enjoy our last two weeks."

Eve pulled her hand away and dropped her eyes.

"I don't know if I'm staying," she reminded her, "I haven't made a decision yet."

Auden opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by a series of hard raps on the door.

"I've been waiting!" Emmett's stern voice boomed.

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