Ch. 22 - Big Girls Don't Cry, We Drink Tequila

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Eve lined up her shot with an expert eye and paused.

"You going to stare at my pretty face all night or take your shot, Five Oh?" Avery teased, adjusting the bun at the back of his head holding back his curls.

Eve cocked her head,

"I just want to make sure I can see your reaction as I sink this last shot."

Avery's confident smile faltered slightly and he leaned down over his last remaining red solo cup protectively,

"Not in my house."

A buzzing in her back pocket momentarily distracted Eve from the task at hand, but she pushed the interruption aside and took her shot. The ping pong ball zipped through the air and hit the open cup with a resounding pop.

"Winner, winner chicken dinner!" Austin howled, fist pumping and dancing around.

Orion sighed heavily and ran his hand over his hair, downing the cup of beer.

"That was a hell of a shot, Five Oh," he admitted with begrudging admiration.

Eve shrugged nonchalantly,

"It's what I do."

Avery came around the side of the table and gave Eve a high five,

"She's immune to trash talk," he announced proudly, pulling Ezra to his side.

Ezra flashed Eve a friendly smile,

"And I didn't have to finish out this ridiculous game, so thank you."

"Anytime," Eve replied with a grin.

"You can be my pong partner anytime, Five Oh!" Austin exclaimed, slapping her on the back.

Eve's body propelled forward slightly with the impact and she laughed,

"What is this Five Oh thing?"

Austin stared at her as if it were obvious.

"You've got to be five foot nothing."

"It reminds me of Hawaii Five Oh," Eve replied.

"I think Hawaii is a cute nickname," Ezra said, "you can be my cute little Hawaii."

Eve felt her heart grow warm. Ezra was clearly a gentle soul and she felt at ease in his presence. 

"I'm sticking with Five Oh," Austin interjected proudly.

Eve's pocket suddenly vibrated yet again and she shook her head sheepishly,

"Hold on guys, I should check this."

She pulled out her phone and scanned the lock screen, her heart plummeting a little.

Maverick: Is there a reason you're ignoring me? And came here with Zeke?

Eve rolled her eyes heavenward and debated ignoring his message before another chimed in.

Maverick: I don't understand what changed in the last four hours.

She locked her phone and gave the Lake boys a radiant smile,

"I'm going to step outside and see where the rest of the staff ended up."

Orion pointed to the patio,

"They'll all be out there. Eventually the rest of the guests will leave and we usually end up down at the bonfire on the beach."

"Well then I'll see you at the bonfire," Eve said with a wave.

"Bye, Five Oh!" the Lake boys chorused.

Every Summer Has A StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora