Ch. 33 - Shower Talk

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Friday blessedly arrived on the heels of a much needed cool down. After several days of heat pushing 90 degrees, a sweet 75 with a light breeze felt glorious. Auden, Ellison, and Eve had taken over the girl's bathhouse to get ready for the evening, happily occupying the three shower stalls and washing the cleaning grime from their tired bodies.

"I'm excited to kick some ass in beer pong tonight," Eve announced, attacking her legs for their weekly shave. 

Honestly who had time to take care of that mid-week?

"Are you partnering with Austin again?" Ellison asked, "I heard you guys were awesome last weekend."

"That was before she had a boyyyfrieeeend," Auden teased, singing the word "boyfriend" with the intent of annoying Eve to the highest degree.

It worked.

"You're the most obnoxious person I've ever met," Eve hollered over the divider, "and he's not my boyfriend."

Another weekend, another Lake Party. Ezra had sent Eve a text earlier in the day inviting her over for a "low key" get together and she didn't hesitate accepting on behalf of her group. 

"Nathanael said we can walk over together," Ellison broke in, sounding over-the-moon.

Eve smiled despite the fact that this was her baby sister and it was icky,

"Awe, camp couple season is in full swing."

"I should warn you that Lennon is coming," Ellison said a beat later, "she pretty much invited herself."

"She can't stand the idea of Maverick being anywhere that Eve is without supervising them," Auden added.

"I don't know how many times I have to reiterate that Maverick and I are strictly friends, if you could even consider us actual friends at this juncture," Eve huffed, "and I'm pretty happy with my romantic situation right now."

Ellison and Auden let out a chorus of cat calls.

"Ya big slut, good for you!" Auden bellowed, shutting off her water.

Eve swallowed a tart reply and switched legs, using the leg-on-the-wall method to get the job done.

"I think she just likes to cause problems," Auden continued, "it's not like any of us like her, and Thea isn't going."

Eve stilled for a moment, wondering if Charlie would also be staying behind. She'd managed to avoid Averill for most of the week, knowing she may crack under the weight of Charlie's lies if she had to face her. 

"Is the Douche Canoe coming?" Eve eventually asked, trying to sound disinterested. 

"Averill told me they're going off camp this weekend," Auden replied.

A moment later Ellison's water shut off,

"She's been super down lately."

"Who, Averill?" Eve asked, her stomach fluttering with a pinch of guilt.

"Yeah," Ellison replied, sliding her shower curtain open, "she didn't seem that excited about going away with Charlie. It's their one year anniversary."

Eve worried her lip as she rinsed the conditioner off her legs, attempting to ignore the glaring Chaco sandal tan lines she was becoming increasingly convinced would be permanent. 

"He's such a Douche Lord," Auden whined, sounding far away. 

She had apparently moved out to the sink area to start on her makeup.

Eve sighed and reluctantly turned off her water, wanting to change the subject.

"So who all is going tonight? I feel like it's turned into a group date situation."

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