Ch. 52 - Send Help!

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"You're so pretty," Brooklyn breathed, leaning into Eve's personal bubble.

"How old are you?" Hannah asked a beat later from her perch on Eve's bean bag chair.

Eve blew out a puff of air and shook her hair back.

"I'm old," she said simply. 

Brooklyn leaned down from her top bunk and laughed,

"You're not old!"

It had only been about 20 minutes since her first trio of campers had arrived and Eve was already feeling overwhelmed with their energy. Brooklyn and Hannah were Irish twins, by her math, but they couldn't be more diverse physically. Hannah was tall with golden brown curls while Brooklyn was petite with straight dark brown hair. Their soft-spoken blonde friend, Brooke, completed the trifecta.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" another voice asked from the doorway.

Eve pushed gently past Hannah and smiled at the redhead,

"Hi, welcome to Navajo!"

The camper's smooth hair gleamed in the sunlight as she glanced around the cabin.

"This is the only cabin on camp that I haven't stayed in yet," she announced as if this were some incredible feat.

Eve could hear one of the trio scoff at this and realized this must be Alivia.

"Well, Miss Alivia, today is your lucky day!"

Alivia broke into a dazzling smile and made a beeline for the bed closest to Eve.

"A new cabin AND a new counselor? Finally, something different!"

Eve turned in time to see Brooklyn and Brooke exchange a meaningful glance and a bit of worry formed in the pit of her stomach. There was certainly some hostility there.

"Can we go get changed into our bathing suits?" Hannah asked a beat later.

Eve slapped her forehead and groaned.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot about swim tests."

The trio broke into a fit of giggles and started pulling out their bathing suits.

"It's okay, Eve. We know the drill," Brooke said with a sweet smile.

"Wait for me guys!" Alivia chirped, opening her suitcase and hastily selecting a bathing suit from what seemed to be a collection.

As the girls left the cabin, another group of campers entered the clearing behind one of the other CIT's Eve couldn't ever remember the name off. She watched as he pointed to her cabin and one of the kids broke away, a large duffle bag bouncing off her hip with every step. This camper was tall and slender with shockingly white blonde hair she wore loose to her shoulders.

"Hi!" Eve greeted brightly, "what's your name?"

"Jen," the girl said quietly, her green eyes darting around the cabin uncertainly.

"Jenna?" Eve asked, glancing at her list.

"I go by Jen," the girl corrected, the tips of her ears going pink.

Eve felt her heart soften almost immediately.

"I need to make you a new name tag! The one on your bunk says Jenna."

Jen flushed again and shuffled in the dirt nervously.

"Okay." Jen replied.

Eve motioned her arm toward the beds,

"Go ahead and throw your stuff on a bed and then you'll need to get changed for swim tests."

"No, thank you," Jen said quickly, looking positively green, "I don't want to swim."

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