Ch. 38 - Keeping Up Appearances

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Eve watched silently as Thea fixed her smeared eye make-up in the bath house mirror, unsure whether her presence was actually helping. It just didn't feel right leaving Thea there by herself.

"I need to not look like I've been on a three day bender," she complained to her reflection.

Eve hopped up onto the far end of the counter.

"You definitely do not look bad," she chuckled as Thea tore through her makeup bag, "and if anyone were to ask you've been sick, remember?"

Thea stilled and snapped her grey hawk-like eyes to Eve's.

"That's true. I'll probably be riding out this whole "I'm sick" story for a while, huh?"

Eve shrugged noncommittally. 

"However long you want to. I've got all sorts of crap I can claim you're suffering with."

A rare smile tugged at the corner of Thea's lips,

"I'm not sure I like the sound of that, actually."

"Afraid you'll end up labeled with some crazy ass disease?"

"With our recent history?" she asked dryly, "God only knows."

Eve sighed and and adjusted her ass on the counter.

"Listen, Thea. You'll never be my favorite person, by any means, or vice versa. I'm not asking as you to make friendship bracelets and sing Kumbaya. But, I'm not going to use this against you and I'm also not going to let you go through it alone."

Thea fussed with her mascara wand and rolled her eyes.

"Jesus. How did I end up in this mess with Nurse Florence effing Nightingale?"

"A little something called P in V?" Eve shot back with a raised brow.

Thea snorted and fixed Eve with a smirk,

"Yeah, I wouldn't advise it."

She set to work on fixing her mussed up blonde locks and Eve sighed.

"I can take you into town if you set up a blood test."

Thea's jaw tightened but she nodded in agreement.

"I hate needles."

"Most people do."

"Not you, weirdo. You literally jab people for a living," she glanced down at Eve's exposed thigh and briefly studied some of her ink work, "and you don't mind a big guy named Lester stabbing you repeatedly." 

Eve stretched out both arms and cracked her knuckles,

"There's a certain power that comes with being able to quickly locate a vein and seamlessly run a central line," she said proudly, "and just FYI my artist's name is Daniel and he's a smoking hot amateur body builder."

Thea rolled her now perfectly lined eyes and zipped her makeup bag.

"Whatever you say."

Eve glanced down at her phone as a text from Zayne rang in, wondering where she'd gone off to.

"Alright, I have to go," she jumped off the counter, "are you coming for the tie dye party?"

Thea paused and Eve prepared herself for a smart ass reply.

"I guess so," Thea said eventually, "if I suddenly stop coming places people will be suspicious."

Eve considered letting Thea know exactly how few people would actually care about her whereabouts, but managed to keep her mouth shut.

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