Ch. 7 - Don't Get Sucked In

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Eve rolled over with a frustrated sigh and attempted to re-cocoon her body in the soft comfort of her favorite blanket. It had been a fitful few hours of tossing and turning for her first night's sleep at Camp Wabanaki. The paper thin mattress did very little to support her body and she flinched as her hip made contact with the bed frame, yet again.

"Seriously?" she muttered into the darkness.

Flipping onto her back in resignation, Eve huffed loudly. She'd been enduring a non-stop chill ever since climbing out of the lake a few hours before. The ridiculous "kiss the moose" initiation left her shaking and water logged. Maverick had approached her immediately with a fluffy towel and apologetic smile, ready to make peace.

"You're a champ, Goose," he said while sliding the terry cloth around her shoulders.

Eve recalled blinking back tears, refusing to show weakness as she shivered in the chilly night air. It was late May and Michigan evenings hadn't quite caught up to summer status yet.

"You all suck," she hissed back through chattering teeth.

She watched his blue eyes turn from sheepish to concerned as chills wracked her body. Immediately, Maverick whipped off his black Camp Wabanaki hoodie and slid it over her wet, curly head before she could even think to protest.

"It looks better on you, anyways." he whispered mischievously.

His residual body heat clung to the cotton and slowly seeped into her skin, calming the shakes.

"Thank you," she breathed, "I'm all lake-ey, though. I shall launder this item before I return it."

Maverick grinned, displaying his even teeth,

"Girls never return hoodies. I've already mourned, accepted, and moved on from this loss."

A smile played her lips as she pulled Maverick's sweatshirt close around her body beneath her favorite blanket. It smelled like boy. Like that great, cozy boy smell; a mix of his cologne and woods and camp. As she inhaled his scent, Eve suddenly realized the true gravity of the camp bubble. Had it really only been 24 hours since arriving? Honestly it felt more like a week. The staff was becoming familiar and endearing, quickly burrowing into her heart and memory.

She furrowed her brow,

"This place is backwards as hell," she thought incredulously, "I've already been sucked in."

Eve ran a photo reel through her mind of the people she'd met thus far: brooding and mercurial Zayne, life of the party Maverick, soft-spoken Averill, dickhead Charlie, and her sweet, naive Auden. It was one hell of a mix. She tracked back to Averill and felt a frown pucker her forehead. Averill had reacted so strangely when Eve stood up to Charlie at the bonfire. She couldn't get that horrified doe-eyed stare out of her mind; something wasn't quite right. She mulled that idea over for several moments, allowing herself to drift. What felt like mere seconds later, she sensed someone standing over her. Eve snapped back into consciousness just as loud voices descended upon her.

"Good morning!"

"Rise and shine!"

"It's a great day to be alive!"

She felt a great weight as two large humans piled into her tiny camp bed, effectively pinning her in place.

Eve groaned loudly and tried to thrash her body,

"Get out!"

"No can do, Goose!" Maverick bellowed.

"You're gonna learn today!" Zayne said jovially. 

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