Ch. 9 - Thunder Buddies

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Eve inhaled deeply as she discarded her sweaty, sandy bathing suit into the corner of her room, trying to calm her frazzled nerves. Zayne had sent everyone to change quickly before the storm hit, but Eve could already hear the low rumbles of thunder through the walls. Picking up the pace, she quickly yanked Maverick's large hoodie over her head, slid her legs into a pair of yoga pants, and pulled on a pair of candy-striped fuzzy socks before scurrying back out into the lodge area. She slipped an elastic from her wrist and tossed her hair up into a messy bun as she dropped down onto the carpet, doing her best to ignore the swirling black clouds outside. She glanced around nervously, hoping and praying another staff member would materialize soon. Worrying her lip, Eve's gaze traveled to the light streaming out from under Zayne's door. She could see his movements momentarily blocking the beams of light and her heart sped up a few beats.

"I'll give it five more minutes," she told herself firmly, "I can wait five more minutes for someone else to get up here."

Eve looked up at the ceiling and willed her mind to go blank, but within seconds a blindingly white light lit up the lodge followed by a clap of thunder so impressive the lodge itself shook beneath it's intensity. Before she could form logical thought, fear was moving her feet at break-neck speed toward Zayne's room. She rapped on the door several times and shifted her weight nervously from foot to foot, the stormy sounds becoming more fervent. It seemed like an eternity passed before he finally opened the door, a look of pleasant surprise on his face.

"Hey Evie, what's up?"

Eve swallowed several times and tried to force down the long tendrils of dread climbing up her throat, rendering her speechless. Zayne's smile quickly faded,

"Are you okay?" he asked, stepping closer.

She cleared her throat and finally forced some words out,

"Where is everyone?"

Zayne glanced down at his watch and furrowed his brow,

"That's a good question..."

He unclipped the bulky black radio from his hip and held the receiving end near his mouth.

"Hey Maverick?"

A few beats passed before Maverick's disembodied voice crackled through the speaker,


"What's your ETA?" Zayne questioned, looking beyond Eve's head toward the windows.

The wind had picked up within moments to a frightening pace, bending the trees down to kiss the rain-soaked ground.

"I'm debating us taking shelter out here," Maverick replied through the static, "in the arts and crafts basement. It's pretty nasty out there."

Zayne cringed slightly at the idea of being separated, but the distant howl of a tornado siren made the decision for him.

"Shelter in place," he commanded, his whiskey eyes meeting Eve's, "and give me a head count."

He immediately grabbed Eve's hand and half-dragged her back out into the lodge, her frantic gaze going to the windows. The eerie churning sky pulled at the pit of her stomach and she heard a whimper escape her lips.

Zayne glanced back over his shoulder as they made their way to the basement steps.

"Eve, you have to hold it together. When we have kids here you can't fall apart in an emergency."

She moved woodenly, trying not to miss a step in the sudden darkness.

"You don't understand," she whispered.

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