Ch. 34 - To Being Positive

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"This is rigged!" Zayne bellowed, pointing across the table at Austin and Eve, "I don't know how, but it's rigged!"

Eve shrugged nonchalantly and lightly swished her hips, enjoying the feel of her magenta romper against the skin of her thighs.

"I don't know what he's carrying on about, do you Austin?"

She peeked up at the shirtless wonder, this time rocking a blue hat that read no salt no problem.

"I have no clue, Five-Oh," he said, his bright blue eyes crinkling with amusement as he looked down at her.

They were kicking Zayne and Avery's collective ass. 

"Next round you two aren't playing together," Avery huffed, motioning between Eve and Austin.

Austin raised his hands innocently,

"It's all her, fellas. I'm just here to look pretty."

Eve chuckled and patted his impressive bicep,

"Yes, you're very pretty."

Austin's mega-watt smile widened and he poised himself to take a shot, sinking it cleanly in the back left cup.

Avery threw up his hands in frustration,

"Just finish this so we can break up the dream team."

Zayne flashed Eve a heated look across the table. He had already told her how much he loved her romper, a flashy get-up with a deep v that accentuated her assets, and she knew her presence at the table served as a measurable distraction.

She leaned forward and eyed him coquettishly,

"Make your shot, babe."

Ezra let out a low whistle from his seat behind them with Orion.

"Eve and Zayne, sitting in a tree..." he sang, bumping his shoulder into Orion.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Orion finished with a dramatic swig of his beer.

Eve rolled her eyes heavenward in irritation, but Zayne just looked amused.

"A gentleman never tells," he shot back in Ezra's direction.

"Sassy ass..." Eve thought with a smirk, motioning for Zayne to shut up and make his shot.

He winked at her and made a valiant effort to hit one of the remaining red cups, only to bounce the white ping pong ball off one of the rims.

"Less flirting more tossing!" Ezra teased.

"My future brother is law is getting huffy..." Austin sang with a wink at Avery.

Avery sighed and gave Ezra a sweet smile,

"He has good taste, what can I say?"

"Ah, young love," Eve said to Austin with a smile.

Austin nodded and grimaced,

"They're so cute it makes me sick."

"How about you make a shot instead?" Avery suggested, wiggling his meticulously groomed eyebrows.

Zayne tried to heed Ezra's sage advice and focused intently for the remainder of the game, but he and Avery were simply no match for the the dream team. After another sound victory, Eve sauntered over to Zayne's side of the table and lazily slung her arms around his neck apologetically.

"It's okay babe, you're still cute."

Zayne tried to feign anger but couldn't keep a hint of a smile from playing at his lips.

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