Ch. 50 - One Heck Of A Bombshell

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It was dangerously close to the Sunday staff meeting when Austin dropped Eve back off at camp two days later.

"Thanks again, Eve," he said, putting his warm palm on her exposed knee, "I hope you had a good time."

Eve flushed at the contact and she met his eyes brazenly.

"That was the fanciest party I've ever been to," she informed him, "and your mom demands that you bring me to the wedding."

Austin smirked and wet his bottom lip with a flick of his tongue that immediately got Eve's rapt attention.

"I think that can be arranged..." he trailed off and flipped his hat backwards before leaning across his seat to plant a slow, sweet kiss on her lips.

Eve nearly melted into her Chaco sandals.

"The hat flip?" Eve murmured against his full lips before nipping the bottom one and returning his affection eagerly, "that's not even fair."

Austin groaned and dove in for a few more stolen seconds, making Eve's toes curl.

"I seriously have to go or I'm going to be late," she whined between lengthy kisses.

Eve pulled away first, albeit reluctantly, and Austin moved back into his seat. He winked at Eve and flipped his hat back around.

"I'll text you later," he promised.

Eve rolled her eyes and pursed her swollen lips.

"Cliche... but yeah, you better."

She slid out of his Jeep and quickly grabbed her overnight bag from the backseat before waving goodbye, allowing herself to watch Austin drive away before turning toward Algonquin Lodge. It had been the most incredible weekend away from the crazy and she absolutely dreaded returning to work. Steeling her spine, Eve sprinted up the stairs to avoid scrutiny at being late. To her complete horror, Auden, Thea, and Ellison were sitting on the porch swing with matching shocked expressions. It was safe to say they had most likely seen her long goodbye with Austin.

"What the hell, Eve?" Auden squealed, jumping to her feet.

The three girls met her at the top of the stairs and all started talking at once.

"I told you not to sleep with him!" Thea scolded.

"Is he a good kisser?" Ellison asked, eyes wide.

"What are you thinking!?" Auden scolded, "this is one heck of a bombshell to drop."

"Seriously, he looks like a dynamite kisser..." Ellison added dreamily.

Eve silenced the pack by putting her hand up and giving them her crazy eyes.

"Everyone calm down," she barked.

First, she made eye contact with Thea.

"I did NOT sleep with him, not even close." 

Next, she pointed to Auden.

"I have no idea what I'm doing."

Finally she turned to Ellison, giving her the dreamy expression she'd been wearing before running into her friends.

"Ellie, Austin Lake is the best kisser I've ever had the pleasure of practicing with."

Ellison squealed and neither Auden or Thea could resist a grin.

"You were suppose to text us everything," Auden pouted.

Eve shrugged her bag off her shoulder and tossed it onto one of the deck benches.

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