Ch. 36 - Romantic Dates to Walmart

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The rest of the week seemed to crawl by as the temperature continued to rise. By Friday morning, the heat was back to flirting with 85 degrees and Eve was over it.

"This is asinine," she complained to Scooby.

His ears flared red as he handed her another tub of medication to organize.

"It's been too hot so far," he agreed, "usually we don't get this kind of heat wave until July."

"Of course it waits until I arrive," Eve drawled.

"Isn't it always hot in the south?" Scooby asked, furrowing his brow.

Eve had to resist the urge to fluff the young man's hair affectionately.

"It's too hot everywhere right now."

Scooby grinned and Eve noticed he'd gotten new blue and yellow bands on his brackets over the weekend.

"Thanks for letting me come inside to help." 

"You're great with inventory," Eve said, "you'll definitely be taking my job one day."

This time his entire face flushed with pleasure.

"You think so?" Scooby gushed, "because that would be awesome."

Eve thumbed through several packets of gauze and tried to straighten them into an orderly row before changing the subject.

"So Scoob, any plans tonight?"

Scooby looked like he might fall over.

"Not yet," he squeaked, "why?"

"I've decided to throw a tie dye party down on the beach and I think you should come. Bring any of the CIT's that are staying this weekend."

"Wow, yeah, that sounds awesome..." he trailed off, face falling, "But I don't have anything to dye, though."

Eve waved him off with her hand.

"No worries. I am making a Walmart run as soon as we're done here."

With her words Scooby perked right back up.

"This is so exciting," he enthused, "I know Olive and Logan are both staying this weekend."

Eve tried to picture the other two CIT's Scooby mentioned, but in all honesty the youngest staff members sort of blurred into one form in her mind. Other than Scooby, of course. His helping hand in the infirmary had made him a stand-out.

"Perfect," Eve said, "bring them both along."


An hour or so later Eve was walking through the staff parking lot swinging her keys. It had been a few weeks since she'd been able to get behind the wheel of her beloved Jeep Wrangler and she was ready to go doors-off for her trip into town. She'd barely made it a few steps, however, before Maverick's familiar gait reached her ears.

"Goose!" he huffed and puffed, "wait!"

The mountain of a man slowed to a jog as he approached, his face red with the obvious exertion of running from the Boy's Village.

"What's up?" Eve asked as she set to work on removing her doors.

Maverick put both hands on his knees and bent down to fill his lungs with hot afternoon air.

"Is it cool if I tag along? The Rev said it's fine, if you'll let me."

Eve slid her second door into the back and brushed off her hands,

"I don't care. I'm just getting a bunch of white stuff to wash before tie dye tonight."

Maverick's breath had started returning to a normal rate.

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