Ch. 27 - To Tell or Not to Tell...

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Eve, Auden, and Ellison were huddled up on the picnic table at the center Girl's Village discussing the Shawnee camper theories in hushed voices while the campers slept soundly in their respective cabins. Sleeping in theory, really, but all was quiet and the girls needed a little gossip session after another long day.

Auden giggled at the suggestion of Greyson and Willow being a secret item,

"If only Willow was Greyson's type..." she whispered with a conspiratorial wiggle of her brow.

Eve shook her head,

"I'm pretty sure Willow is every person's type. She's probably the most beautiful human I've ever seen in real life."

"I agree," Ellison added, "whenever she smiles at me I just melt!"

Eve suddenly squealed and slapped at a mosquito turning her ankle into dinner,

"These bloodsuckers are relentless!"

"It's time to reapply your repellent, Evie!" Auden advised, pulling her over-sized sweatshirt tighter around her body.

"I have some if you need it," Ellison added, motioning back toward her cabin.

Eve sighed dejectedly,

"I literally took a bath in bug spray not even 20 minutes ago."

"I guess you're just too sweet, Evie," Ellison teased.

An unattractive snort behind them made every head turn toward the intrusion.

"Too sweet my ass," Thea snarled as she made her way toward the bathhouse, shower caddy in hand.

"I don't recall anyone ringing your bell," Eve shot back dismissively.

Thea slowed her pace and faced the trio fully, 

"Don't you have campers you should be with?"

Eve felt Ellison stiffen beside her.

"We are literally in the middle of our cabins, genius," Auden replied acidly, "not to mention we have Zayne's permission to be out here."

Thea sniffed and turned on her heel,

"Whatever!" she huffed over her shoulder, stalking away.

Once the bathhouse door shut behind the blonde banshee Ellison breathed a sigh of relief.

"I never know what's going to come out of her mouth," she whispered dejectedly. 

"One of these days I am going to destroy everything that girl loves," Eve added.

That caught Auden's attention,

"The hell does that mean?"

"That I'm sick of her shit," Eve bristled.

"No, there's more to it," Auden said, eyeing her best friend suspiciously.

Eve shrugged and rolled Thea's big secret around in her head, feigning nonchalance,

"You and I both know we're just waiting for that girl to mess up and show her evil core to the world. In fact, I'm counting on it."

Auden raised her eyebrows, clearly about to say more, when the radio at Eve's hip beeped to life.

"Hey Eve?" said Zayne's disembodied voice through the speaker, "what's your location?"

Eve sighed and un-clipped her radio,

"Girls Village."

The trio waited a few moments before Zayne replied,

"Okay, I'll come to you."

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