The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (29)

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The pillows beneath me were plush and cushioning my head nicely, relieving my headache.

"I didn't get in." I repeated, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry." Julian said, stood at the end of my bed holding my UCLA letter I'd made him open for me.

I should have known when it came in the small envelope.

"It's funny, even when you don't get your hopes up, you still feel let down." I sighed loudly, making patterns in the swirls on my ceiling.

Julian sat on the end of my bed, his arm propped over my legs. "Are you okay?"

I didn't answer. "Have you picked out where you're going yet?"

"Violet, I am not going to talk about where I'm going when you didn't get into your dream school."

Climbing over me, Julian position his body perpendicular to mine, laying his head on my stomach.

"I want to know, Jules." I replied, finding his curly mop with my fingers.

He sighed hesitantly. "I've had acceptances from Yale, Harvard and a couple of small town places."

"Congratulations." I said. "Which will you pick?"

Julian only shrugged, his fingers moving to tickle my arm, which he knew I loved.

"What are you going to do tonight?" He asked.

"Watch the notebook." I answered. "Cry."

We laughed small and light.

"Come on man, it's been what three weeks?"He turned his head to look at me, but I didn't meet his eyes.  "Get back out there."

I only shook my head, that was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Well I won't let you mope." He decided. "The annual West Vale bonfire  is tonight and we're going."

"No." I groaned. "Chloe will be there, and Grayson." I pouted. "Together most likely."

"First of all, if he was there with Chloe, I'd kick his ass." He grinned. "Second, Grayson Ledger thinks he's far too cool to attend a bonfire."

"Please don't make me." I pouted.

Julian only stood up and swung open my wardrobe door. "Now what will you wear..." he mumbled to himself.

Two hours later, Julian had picked me some black ripped jeans that hugged my hips nicely and a lovely black laced bandeau.

He had helped my straighten my hair so it fell around my face and shoulders like a waterfall, clumsily burning his fingers a few times, while I carefully made my make up pristine.

"Perfect." Julian said, nodding his head appreciatively.

"So, don't make a big deal." Julian warned. "But I arranged to meet that guy from the party at the bonfire..."

"James Tanner?" My eyes lit up.

Julian nodded, suppressing a smile. "But don't worry, it's only for a little while and I checked, Will and Isabel will be there."

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