The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (4)

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"Yes mom." I groaned as I laid on the couch, book in hand.

"and no TV!" She rushed around, trying to find her badge she needed to check into the hospital, even though it was on the windowsill five feet away from her.

"I know mom." I answered in boredom.

She was a fool to think that if I weren't already planning on breaking her rules by going out that I would sit home alone all day and not watch tv.

Come on, seriously. was she dumb or just naive?

"No leaving the house." She carried on.

"Go to work mom." I practically begged and she made a sigh of relief when she found her badge on the windowsill. She slipped on her boots, waved goodbye and warned me once more not to disobey her orders to which I groaned externally as she closed the door behind her.

Seconds after my mother left for work a car honked outside and I jumped up, rushing to the mirror and combing through my hair once more, checking my makeup was perfect and my outfit looked okay. I had to look good if I wanted my plan to work.

He honked the horn again three times and I scoffed in frustration, grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

He stared at me as I walked down the drive to his familiar black jeep. I couldn't help smiling at him, so I made it look forced.

I climbed into the passenger seat and put my seat belt on.  He continued to stare at me. "What?" I asked harshly.

"You look good." He smirked.

"so do puppy got you good huh?" I smirked using his words of mockery against my best friend. Grayson had a purple bruise under his right eye.

"Oh please, he's just lucky." Grayson said.

"Lucky how?"

"You really think if I wanted to put him ten feet under he wouldn't be there by now? I went easy and I called off the's not his fault he's friends with a bitch, surely that's torture enough." He remarked.

"Start driving asshole." I ordered, rolling my eyes dramatically and keeping my facial expression moody.

Grayson was telling some truth, if he wanted Julian really  hurt he could have done it, but I knew the guys at West Vale High and they would have to be a little more provoked than that to do some serious damage.

He started the car and chuckled in satisfaction. "Whatever you say, babycakes."

Okay I have to say, I was not a fan of Grayson Ledger's pet names.

We drove for around fifteen minutes with Grayson trying to make conversation and receiving two word answers maximum, until finally I was bored. "Where are we going?"

"I need to pick something up." He replied.

"Yeah, but where? And why did I have to be dragged along?" I whined.

"Just trust me, it'll be fun." He smirked, only using one hand to steer the car as though it would make him seem cooler.

"I've heard that before." I sniped. "Nothing's fun when you're being forced to hang out with're being awfully blunt." I pouted, crossing my arms and he laughed at my pettiness.

Around five minutes later we pulled up and got out of the car. I followed Grayson to the end of the street, we stopped in front of a relatively big house, except there were no cars in the driveway and the lights were out.

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