The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (12)

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15 days

I watched the clock, it was fifth period and I'd been itching for the day to end since I woke up this morning. As soon as the clock struck three I shot my hand up.

"I need to leave for my dentist appointment now...I have a note" Of course, there was no dentist appointment and the note was written by the lovely Isabel before class. The truth was, I had to catch Julian and I needed fourteen minutes exactly to drive my mothers car to West Vale.

Promptly, I was out of class and hurrying down the halls, grabbing my bag from my locker and heading for the car.

I made it to West Vale high with around about thirty seconds to spare before their bell went signalling the end of the day. In other words, I had just enough time to get out my car and lean against its side like I wasn't in a hurry.

Students fled out in bunches, each giving me looks and whispering. Yes people, I am the girl who pulled the prank...sort of...But I am the girl who got expelled for it. Julian on the other hand, came out alone, his bag over his shoulder, old and ratty, a dull grey color that hung at his waist decorated with embroidered band labels.

My heart instinctively began to hammer, and I silently cursed myself for being so fragile in this way.

I pondered on shouting him over, but what if he just walked in the other direction? So I waited until he got closer, unknowing what to do, but within seconds I soon realized I didn't have to do anything to catch his attention, I already had it. His eyes lazily peered up from his phone through his mop of hair and clocked me, he instantly began to divert his path.

"Julian!" I called, pushing myself off my car into his path. Then, I was stuck with words. "...can I give you a ride home?"  I tucked my hair behind my ear, attempting a truce like smile, but he didn't return it.

"I'll walk." He mumbled, trying to step round me.

"Fine then just talk to me for a minute. It's been two days and I hate this." I gestured like a maniac between us, he glanced at my hands momentarily, then fixed his gaze just over my shoulder, not specifically at anything. There was no point turning around, I'd learnt by now that there wasn't anything he was looking at, he hated eye contact when he was mad.

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake, I slipped up. You know you can trust me...I would never intentionally hurt you." He looked down, hands scrunched up in his pockets.

"Why aren't you at school?" He asked, out of all the things he could have said, he was worried about my lack of attendance.

"You're more important" I smiled sweet and honest. 

"Miss Ainsworth?!" my eyes widened when I heard his voice. "Miss Ainsworth you are ban from West Vale High property!" Mr Foreman marched across the parking lot, red in the face as always.

"Sorry sir, I asked Violet to give me a ride home, it isn't her fault." Julian turned, motioning to my mothers car. All frustration was wiped clean from Julian's face as he ushered me to open the door.

The way Julian could put aside all his feelings so quickly, or make it seem that he had, made me feel uneasy.

"Leave and don't come back, this is your warning." I groaned as Foreman stepped back, arms crossed and watched us get in the car, only satisfied when I turned on the engine and headed for the exit.



"Do you forgive me?" I asked quietly, eyes focusing on the road.

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