The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (25)

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"How much trouble are you in for our beach day?" Grayson's raspy voice came through the phone line.

I laid on my bed on my back, facing the ceiling and counting the swirled patterns, something I usually did when I needed to distract myself. "Well there wasn't much more trouble for me to be in...I'm already grounded for life."

Grayson sighed loud and heavy. "they still haven't budged on that?"

"why would they?" I asked. "I've been in trouble plenty of times for sneaking out and what not."

"You have the worlds strictest parents, Vi" He said, I heard the faint murmur of people he was no doubt approaching.

"Tell me something I don't know." I mumbled back.

"Well listen, the games tomorrow so we're practicing extra hard, I'll catch you later. I love you."

"I love you." I clicked end, sighing.

Tomorrow would indeed be the hardest situation i'd ever be in. Thanks to Grayson's charm for the past week I'd been fighting my heart with my brain, choosing between possible love and knowledge. What type of person would I be if I dropped this? What type of person would I be if I did this?

Weighing up the options, if I did this, to some, I'd be respected, to others I'd be the biggest bitch of the year. To Grayson, I'd be the girl who broke his heart and took everything with her. If I didn't, too myself, I'd be a coward, slain by a boys charm and good looks. I'd be every other basic girl,everything I'd resented my whole life. To Grayson, probably his first girlfriend who's heart he eventually breaks.

Relationships these days weren't about compassion and a burning fire of love within the both of you, it was break them or have them break you. It was what it came down to eventually.

Sad, but that was just the way it was.

Violet Ainsworth, prepare to be hated.


At 4pm, after being given a pass from their lessons to train half of the day, West Vale's lacrosse team was dismissed with the warning to rest up. I knew this because I picked Grayson up, outside the school premises of course.

I drove us to Grayson's house, so he could shower and change. While he showered with the shower curtain drawn, I sat on the toilet lid, he took exceptionally long showers.

"Man I'm so nervous about tomorrows game, this never happens to me." He confessed, his shadowed silhouette showed him to be washing his hair.

"You'll do great, babe. Who are you playing?" I asked when I realised I'd never once thought about this.

"You're kidding right?" He asked, suddenly popping his head out of the curtain, his hair white and foamy with shampoo.

I shrugged. "Violet, Jesus Christ we're playing Ryan High. Your school" I don't know how to describe it, but I swear I felt the world shudder. This could not be happening. Not only would I be the most hated person at West Vale High, but Ryan High too. Chloe would definitely sink her claws into this. Would Isabel still talk to me after my horrible turn of character? I don't think I could take the way Will would look at me.

"I didn't even know they had a lacrosse team..." I murmured, fixing my eyes on the floor. I noticed immediately I had said they instead of we because honestly, I didn't feel apart of Ryan High, my sole team would always be West Vale High.

Grayson shook his head, tutting as he disappeared behind the curtain again. "You're a big reason I don't like Will and his gang of idiots Violet, but you're not the only reason. I'm going to crush Aaron and Tyler on that field."

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