The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (17)

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10 days

Like most teenagers, I liked to keep my social life and private life very separate. This meant that the next couple of hours would be a literal, personal hell on Earth. That's right ladies and gentlemen, The parents demanded to meet the boyfriend formally.

"No." Grayson cut me off, bluntly.

"You think I want them to meet you? Absolutely not! This is your fault. You strut up to my house and flaunt our date in my mothers face, what did you expect?" I snapped, irritated.

Having my parents even slightly involved in our little relationship fiasco we had going on made everything one thousand times worse. When these ten days were over, all they'll do is ask about him; question after question after question. Forever reminding me that I am definitely going to hell.

"My fault." Grayson scoffed, muttering to himself. "If I were to meet your parents, I'd much rather it be at a later date. I am literally battered and bruised Vi - they'll hate me."

I chuckled, crossing my arms. "baby, they're going to hate you anyway."

Grayson frowned and let out an exasperated sigh as he got up and opened up his wardrobe. "Okay" he muttered. "What do I wear?"


A few hours later, I had dragged Grayson into the car wearing some ripped at the knee black skinny jeans and a white v necked shirt - the smartest clothing he owned. He checked his hair in the mirror one last time, frowning at his cut lip that had now scabbed and partially bruised face.

"You'll do fine." I reassured him.

This was a nightmare. My parents illusion of my boyfriend being a tutor would soon be shattered.

Together, we rocked up the porch steps.I knocked twice before my mother swung open the door, a bright smile plastered on her features - until she spotted Grayson. Her face dropped as her eyes swiped back and forth over the two of us and dropped to our hands that were only just touching at the finger tips.

I'll give her credit though, she recovered quickly, beaming a fake smile at us this time and ushering us inside.

"Grayson, it's lovely to see you again, formally this time. Please, come inside." She closed the door behind us and we followed her into the kitchen.

Dad, who wasn't all that keen on the fact I had a boyfriend in the first place, had the same reaction as mom. Though his recovery wasn't all that quick.

"Gary right? Nice to meet you, I'm Violet's father." My father warily shook Grayson's hand, analyzing his beat face.

"Grayson." He corrected, a small awkward smile on his lips.

"Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes, I hope you don't mind the wait." My mother smiled, taking out dishes and glasses.

"Of course not." Grayson took a seat at the table beside me and my father sat on the other side.

"So Grayson, do you attend Violet's new school?" My dad asked, I was relieved he was making an effort.

"No, I actually attend her old school, West Vale High." Grayson replied, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"I thought you were her tutor, from Ryan High?" My mother turned to us.


I shook my head no, almost caught in one of my lies. "No, you must've gotten confused with how my friend from Ryan High offered to tutor me."

"ohh" she nodded and turned back to prepping dinner.

"So you've known each other a real long time?" Dad asked.

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