The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (1)

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It was September 3rd, a Monday, the beginning of a new year in hell. My last year, to be exact.

What I didn't know, however, and there was no way I could've possibly anticipated this, was that this would be both the best and worst year of my life.

"It's only lunch and I already want to die." I smiled sweetly at Julian, my best friend AKA the only reason I had survived high school so far.

"You're overly dramatic." He rolled his eyes, taking another bite of his apple - Julian was a health freak. In other words, the polar opposite to mwah.

"And you're not?" I narrowed my eyes and he gave me a grin, a mouthful of apple stuffing his cheeks.

"Me? Dramatic? Never." He shook his head.

"Finish your apple," I dismissed and we left the table heading for the nearest bin. 

To my embarrassment, just when the bin was within arms reach, my butter like fingers forced me to scatter my tray on the floor. Oh how I loved public embarrassment.

"Allow me to help." A voice I knew all to well spoke, leaving me to internally groan. I looked up from picking up some of my mess to spot Grayson Ledger in all his glory, ripped jeans, nicely styled hair, the jawline of a god and eyes you could get lost in.

 I rolled my eyes as dramatically as I could while he threw some of my mess in the trash.

"Thanks." I muttered, standing and dusting off my knees.

"Don't sweat it, sweetheart." Grayson;s reply was smug, yet a polite smile was plastered upon his face - very out of character for the Grayson Ledger.

Swiftly, I turned to leave, but Grayson held up a finger and objected. "Ah ah ah...Not so quickly."

"What do you want Ledger?" I folded my arms and narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"What, a guy can't have a nice conversation with a beautiful girl?" His trademark smirk, one that each of the West Vale bad boys owned, crept onto his lips.

"Not guys like you." I answered.

"Guys like me?" He copied, cocking his head to the side in amusement.

"Yes, guys that think only with their dick." I smiled sweetly.

"I'm hurt." He chuckled, brushing it off quickly. "By the way, may I explain to you the concept of modern day technology." He said, stepping closer. His voice was full of confidence and cockiness. "You see, there's this thing called a phone, and when I call, you answer it. Capeesh?"

"Thank you Grayson, for that beautiful explanation." My words came out mockingly.

"Anytime darling, I mean, you being unable to grasp the works of a mobile is the only reason I could think of as to why you haven't returned a single one of my calls this summer." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

I was unable to stop myself laughing as I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Oh god, your ego is even bigger than I thought. It's called not being interested." It was only when I heard the laughter and yells from the rest of the cafeteria that I realized I had just turned down the bad boy in front of 90% of the school.

"Oh I think you're pretty interested." His arms were folded across his chest, his stance screaming confidence.

 Oh boy, this guy could not take a hint.

"In what? An immature little boy who thinks he's cool because he drinks and smokes, who is always on the verge of getting kicked out, not to mention the little crying during sex scenario you had going -" I held up my hand to stop him interrupting "- nobody cares if you were high, it still happened. And let's face it, you're not THAT attractive. So yeah of course, I can't imagine why I wouldn't be interested." I flicked my hair and smiled as I walked past him, turning and awaiting Julian, who slowly strode up to Grayson, placed the half eaten apple in his palm and flashed a smile.

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