The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (24)

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Leaning my head against the window of Julian's passenger seat window, I watched the trees and houses fly by in a blurry haze. "I can't do it, Jules."

"Do what?" He asked, glancing at me and then quickly back to the road to concentrate his attention where it should be.

My silence appeared to answer for me, he filled it with an eerie "oh." 

I twiddled my thumbs, feeling anxious and confused.

"Really?" He asked me. "Huh, I really thought you were going to go through with it for a little while there" He said, more to himself than to me.

"So did I." I replied, feeling bewildered.

"What happened to, you  know." He said. "Teaching all fuck boys a lesson, standing up for everyone they've wronged? What changed?"

"You're right" I replied. "I'm blinded by him now, I need to do this for me and for every girl he's ever messed with."

"Or guy" He interjected, but then made a dramatic hand gesture. "But no, that's not what I was saying! If you're not certain, you shouldn't do it."

I listened, took in a deep breath and answered. "Even if I didn't go along with it anymore, isn't high school one big cliche? The one that stops their revenge plan is usually found out by their victim."

"But Vi, this isn't the movies! Only you know, you still haven't enlightened me,by the way" He shot me a glare for a split second before turning back to the road.

I shook my head no "I'm in too far. There's no going back, not now."

I admit, my heart and gut was still telling me: 

don't do this Violet, don't ruin your relationship with this great guy. Don't taint his memory of the first girl he really loved. Don't ruin his future when so much of his past and present is already in flames. 

But there was this other, real small, quiet voice telling me I was blinded, he ruined my chance at a good college. Therefore, he should pay.

Julian only shook his head as he pulled up to my drive. I jumped out, thanking him for the ride and slamming the door shut. "Hey Vi?" He yelled through the passenger doors now open window.

I turned and rested on the car door. "yeah?"

"Think about ditching the scheming, yeah?" I nodded, purely to keep him happy.

"Love you" he said as he started the car again.

"Love you too!" I yelled as I strode up the path to the porch and through my front door.


At 8pm, Grayson called me after a longer practice than usual to ask what I was doing at that moment.

"Not a lot" I answered, though I was lying.

It wasn't as though I could tell him honestly what I had just finished doing, that would ruin everything. Turning down the volume, I watched the last part of the video, grinning to myself as I listened to his reply. The plan was complete, soon to be put into motion.

"great, sneak out? I'll be there in five." He cut the connection before I got a chance to answer, so I grabbed my jacket and converse and made my way out of the window to wait by the side of the road for him.

When Grayson picked me up, I felt guiltier than I had with him before, but the guilt that was to come in the next few days would be undoubtedly worse.

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