The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (8)

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"Have a good first day sweetie, remember we want no trouble." Mother stopped to hold up her index finger at me. "Honestly Violet, I'm warning you. Don't be quick to judge the kids in your new classes, there's more of them than their is you." She told me and I groaned as I stood in the living room mirror, brushing through my hair and adjusting my outfit.

Of course, she had to make a reference to my first year of high school. Back then, I wore braces, my hair in a low pony tail and made a mess of my makeup. However, that wasn't my biggest mistake, oh no, I so stupidly made the decision to openly share my opinions on the most popular people in school. It definitely backfired. For months Julian was my only friend, nobody else even talked to me, therefore I descended to the bottom of the high school food chain and dragged Jules down with me - not that he minded. Julian always thought popularity was overrated.

Over the years we climbed back up it slowly and unintentionally albeit. Though my only real friend was Julian, each of us had associates in classes and my bad decisions were forgotten. I guess by climbing the chain, I gained Grayson Ledger's attention.

"I can drop you off, but you'll have to make your own way home." She informed me.

The drive was only ten minutes long which meant it couldn't be too long of a walk home. "Good luck, remember what we talked about!"She yelled as she sped off, leaving me alone by the side of the road outside of Ryan High.

People stared as I walked through the little groups of people up to the main entrance. As soon as I got inside, I saw the office.

"Hi my names Violet Ainsworth, it's my first day here." I smiled a big fake smile and coated my voice with false enthusiasm.

The woman behind the desk peered over her thick framed glasses at me, giving me one big look up and down before returning to her computer and typing. "Here's your schedule, wait over there and a student will come and collect you." She passed me the sheet of paper and gestured to a row of seats against the wall and then let her arm drop limp.

Well she definitely enjoyed her job.

"Thank you." I smiled again and took a seat.

"Violet?" A brunette curly haired girl wearing a pink frilly tank top and blue skinny jeans peered past me, calling my name to the numerous others in the hall.

I stood up and caught her attention. "That's me."

She smiled bright, raising her perfectly arched eyebrows. "Hey I'm Chloe, I'm supposed to show you around." She extended her perfectly manicured hand out and I hesitantly shook it. She then flashed a sickly false smile and wiped her hand on her jeans.


Then I did the same.

"Okay so here's the cafeteria, be careful what table you sit at, one wrong move and it's social suicide. Hey just sit with me and my friends." She told me as we walked through the exit and into the halls.

She spent another twenty minutes showing me around and then took me to my locker, where I disposed of the books I wouldn't need.

"What do you have first lesson?" Chloe asked, flicking a perfectly bouncy curl out of her face. I passed her my time table and she grinned, folding it in half delicately with her fingers. "We have the same English class, I'll take you."

We walked into the classroom and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. The class had already started, I quietly cursed under my breath.

I hated public attention.

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