The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (6)

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Groaning, I rolled over.

I hadn't set an alarm, why was my phone going off? Why was God punishing me?!

It took me another moment to realize that my phone was actually ringing. Before answering the unknown caller, I read the time 3:40am.

If someone was willing to disturb my beauty sleep, it had better be good.

"Hello?" I asked.

Who could be calling at this time?

"Good morning chica." His voice was the usual; deep and lust-filled .

"Grayson? why are you calling, it's almost 4am! Who's phone are you calling from?" I erupted into a yawn, rubbing my eyes so hard it was like entering another universe of swirling patterns.

"Well Violet, It seems I've gotten myself into a bit of  a pickle...congratulations, you're my one phone call." He put on a playful voice, I could picture him standing by the phone booth, relaxing against the wall with no feeling other than amusement at his current situation.

No worry, no regret. Fuckin' psycho.

"You're at the police station?!" I whisper-yelled so not to wake my parents.

"You are correct. I'm being held here, I need you to pick me up." He was joking right?

"Goodnight dumbass." I rolled my eyes and when Grayson's voice returned down the line, it had a hint of panic to it.

"Vi please! I don't get to call anyone else and the longer I'm here the more chance they're going to take one look at my record and keep me here a while longer." He practically begged.

Huffing and puffing, I crawled out of bed and attempted to fix my appearance, combing through my hair and throwing on leggings and a jumper over my vest.

"I'm on my way - If I get caught for this you're so dead." I hung up and quietly made my way downstairs, grabbing my parents car keys and praying to god the engine wouldn't wake them.

Within fifteen minutes, I was in the car park and walking into the station. Inside, I walked straight up to the desk. "I'm here for Grayson Ledger". I told the woman who was wearing foundation two shades too dark and uneven pink lipstick. She squinted her eyes at me.

"You don't look old enough to be picking up?" She studied me inquisitively, shrugged and gestured for me to take a seat.

"Violet?" Turning as I heard the familiar voice, I spotted Max.

I should've known the others were involved.

"What're you doing here?" She asked, though she looked relieved to see a friendly face.

"Grayson called me." I answered, she looked at me surprised. "What did they do?" 

She sighed. "They-" She stopped and turned as the door opened and in came a curly, fire-like, red headed girl.

"Tara!" Max exclaimed, rushing to hug her tightly. "It's been too long! ...You're here for Jace?"

"Kyle actually, He had nobody to call, though I suppose yes I'm here for him too." Tara avoided eye contact for a few moments before smiling brightly and asking. "You're here for Alex I take it? You have no idea how happy I am the two of you are finally together! Is Grayson here?"

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