How A heart Heals

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How come is it that I smile again, as I wake up to find the sun hidden behind millions of fat black clouds?
The sky is so grey, that it really would make one wonder.

It makes me wonder.
I stare at it, my face cupped in my hands, the soft curtains gently brushing against my face.

It's going to rain.
For so long, I've hated it. When suddenly, my life became bitter, I started to hate lots of things that I once loved.

It was almost unfair of me.
Unfair and very cruel.

I smile now, at the view outside my window.
Getting out of bed, I quickly change into a new pair of shirts and jeans, and brush my hair with my old hair brush that almost snaps into two in my hurry.

A strong aroma of honey greets me as soon as I have entered the kitchen. Mum bounces here and there, humming a lovely tune, smiling widely, making pancakes.

I sit down in a chair close to the window, and fill my glass with orange juice. Mum soon flips a dozen of fluffy pancakes onto my place, drizzling it with sweet honey.

I give her a big smile, something I haven't been doing a lot lately. Taking my fork and spoon, I help myself to a big fat pancake.

'Mhmm, very good'. I compliment her, through my mouth full. She shrugs it off. I almost frown at her, but then, I stop, as a new idea pops into my mind.

'You know why it's so good?'.

'Nope', She frowns at me, confused. 'It's just a pancake'.

'Clearly not', I give her another smile, 'This pancake that doesn't seems to matter to you much, tastes like heaven, and the sweetness of the honey almost makes it too good to be true'.

Her lips twitch a little, 'And what exactly are you up to huh?'.

'Just trying to let you know that it's not 'just a pancake'. I shrug, finishing my second pancake and getting up, 'It's amazing'.

She smiles at me, all warm and soft.
Clearly she isn't much used to compliments.

'What's wrong?', she asks now, noticing my expression.

I almost shake my head, but at the last second, remember that I'm supposed to get closer to her, no matter what.

'I talked with Kenny'.

She purses her lips, not uttering a single word. I look at her, and suddenly realize why she's doing that. She's angry. It's almost funny, since she's hardly ever angry. But, exactly at the same time, it's scary too.

I take a step back, almost scared of her. 'I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk'.

'And you wouldn't', I add.

She heaves a sigh, and sits down on a chair. 'Sit Sarah, let me tell you a story'.

My heart almost bursts with the millions of feeling swimming inside. Staring at her silently, I push back the chair and sit.

She heaves a sigh and hug herself.

'Long ago. There was a girl who was unloved. She was pretty and very sweet. But nobody would love her, no matter how much she tried to please them.

One day, when she was crying silently, staring out of the window. A car stopped outside the house next door. A dozen of people stepped out of it, including a very tall, and handsome boy.

It turned out, that he was unloved too. He came from a broken family, and even though he wouldn't confess. He was broken too.

Slowly, they became friends. They would sneak out of their houses and drive to the forest when anyone hurt them.

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