Chapter 71. A Conflict

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"Look, he was located, dead, at the warehouse which is efficiently close to your house. It would be stupid of me to think that you have nothing to do with his death."

"That doesn't prove anything." I kept calm as I spoke. If I flipped out now, that will only suspect me more. I know nothing will come from denying these things because I'm already going to jail, it may not be for being the 'killer' since I'm not one and they most certainly don't have proof for that, but it's because of that fucking basement. They may not know what exactly happened but I'm still gonna get locked up because of that. It's just how it works.

"Everything that happened to you, everything that has something to do with that goddamned killer, there's a connection, I know it." He tapped the table impatiently, "Myers used to be one of the two persons who survived an attack, you already know you're one of the lucky ones," He leaned on his chair, seemingly calming down. "Well, Myers didn't last long, but you-now this, this is something that's bothering me." He gave me a sarcastic smile, "You lived. That bothers me."

"Excuse me?" I gave him a sharp look, "Do you want everyone attacked to die? Is that what detectives want?" I snapped.

"No, no," He muttered with a hint of sarcasm as he grabbed a folder on top of the table, "But what disturbs me is that you and your family were the first ones to get attacked. The very first." Andrews said while looking through the files in his hands, "Yet . . . you're the only one who lived." His eyes slowly met mine, I couldn't read his emotions at all. "Now, I've done my fair amount of research. Not long ago, you had a visit from the killer, didn't you?" He crossed his arms in deep thought, "But, the police saved you in time. Though your husband was dead."

"And?" I deadpanned, "What are you trying to say?"

"You 'lived'." He said flatly, "Second attack, and you lived again. It seems rather odd, don't you think? You're the only one alive when your family was killed when you were just a kid, the second time you were attacked, your husband was killed, you lived." He stated, "Myers said you could help us solve this case, he said you were important. But you lost your memory. If I remember correctly, you were in a car accident."

"I was, I regained my memory." I started, "Just because these coincidences kept happening, does not mean I'm not innocent." I glared.

"Well," He opened another file with a photo of someone familiar, "does the name 'Billy Johnson' ring a bell?" He asked as I stared at him, "When you lost your memories, this guy is reportedly the one who was your guardian the whole time and he also assisted you after you signed out of the hospital." He nodded to himself as he read Billy's files, "I asked several people in the hospital, he said he was going to take you to your home and nurse you back to health, at least that's what they said." He turned his attention away from the files and back to me, "He died the next night."

This guy doesn't leave any details out, does he? He practically knows everything that happened in my life. I can't keep doing this.

"These . . . deaths seems rather suspicious, it's too much of a coincidence, especially with what we found in your house just now." He said in a low tone, "What are you hiding?"

"I-I'm-I'm not-"

As I searched for words to say, I was saved by the door creaking open, "Sir, you are needed." A young policewoman peeked through the small opening of the door, "Immediately." The girl added.

Detective Andrews glanced at her before looking back at me. A few seconds passed before he let out a breath, "Excuse me for a moment." He gave me an icy stare before turning to leave.

I sighed as soon as the door shuts close, that was tense, I might've said something I shouldn't have if that went on. I can't believe this is happening, how am I gonna come out clean in this situation, I doubt it's possible.

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