He put the sack over Colby's head once more and backed up pointing the gun right at Colby's head.

"He's everything I have!! Please, stop!"

He shot the gun.

Colby fell to the ground lifeless.

It was as if the world had stopped turning.

I lost my best friend. I lost the guy I loved more than myself.

I was too shameful to admit I loved him as more than a friend. I realized it now.

It was too late.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I shouted and hunched over crying.

'This can't be real' I thought.

There's no way in hell.

Out of the corner of my eye I see movement from Colby.

'It's just your imagination Sam, Colby's gone.'

I yelled at the top of my lungs, " WHY ME??"

All of a sudden I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I'm stunned because the arms belong to Colby.

I can't move.

It's as if my body is paralyzed.

Colby goes to untie my feet and hands. I some how miraculously stand up and wrap my arms around Colby saying, "I thought you were dead..."

"It's a prank Sam. I'm alive, it's ok." Colby said pointing the camera.

"God man don't scare me like that ever again. I thought I had really lost you.." I trailed off saying softly hoping no one could hear it.

I still had tears streaming down my face and I couldn't stop them. "It's okay Sam it's okay." Colby said patting and rubbing my back trying to comfort me.

I tried to hate him right now. How could he do this to me? I get it we were in a prank war, but this? This was too much.

I couldn't hate him though. I loved him too much. If this hadn't happened I wouldn't have realized I love him as more than a friend.

The cameras turned off and Colby motioned for me to go to the car.

We made our way back home. I was still shedding tears, not being able to get over the shock and heart break I had felt moments ago.

We pulled into the driveway while I was lost in thought. Sam came to my side of the car and helped me out of the car. My legs were so wobbly that he had to help me inside too.

We sat on the couch after we got inside the apartment. Colby took his fingers through his hair and sat there puzzled.

"W-why did you do it?" My voice came out hoarse as I said it.

He told me the whole story about how Sam Pepper called him asking if he wanted to prank me and how he just couldn't say no.

"Colby I thought I lost my best friend!" I shouted at him.

"I know Sam but I'm right here," he said grabbing my arms.

I pulled away and said, "You don't understand Colby, I love you more than myself!"

There I said it.

I love Colby.

Colby sat there stunned. I could tell he didn't know what to say.

I got up and went to my room, slamming the door behind me.

"Sam!" Colby shouted from behind me.

I stayed silent when he said, " Please don't be mad at me.."

"I'm not Colby, I just need some rest. I've been through a lot and I've said things I probably would have never said, but my emotions are a mess right now."

Colby opened the door and laid down on the bed next to me.

"I'm sorry Sam.." he trailed off.

I turned around and stared into his blue eyes. "It's okay.."

I started to drift off to sleep and felt Colby wrap his arms around me. I was too weak and tired to say anything so I let it be. He warmed me up and I liked it.

"Goodnight Sam.." I heard him say before I drifted off to sleep.

Colby POV

"You don't understand Colby, I love you more than myself!"

I couldn't say or do anything. It stunned me to hear my best friend, who I was beginning to like as more than a friend, said he loved me.

He got up before I could say anything. I tried to tell him before, but I just couldn't say it. I was too scared.

I followed him to his room hoping to talk to him but he had slammed it so I was cautious before going inside.

My head was telling me to go comfort him, so I did. I laid down next to him in his bed and held him.

It felt right.

In that moment I knew.

I love Sam Golbach.

Sorry for the sad chapter, I promise they won't always be like this! Like Kaitlyn said in the last chapter, we will try to upload everyday but it might not happen depending on our schedules. Please bear with us!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for more soon! ~Carissa

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