The Blade of Marmora

Start from the beginning

"What are you talking about? We have to go in! This is the whole reason we came out here! There is no other option!" Keith yelled once again.

We stared at Keith in shock towards his outburst.

"Okay. Jeez. Cam down." Lance said.

Keith turned away, I placed a hand on his shoulder, frowning at his behavior.

"Keith," I said softly, "I agree with Lance. You need to have a calm and level head in this situation." He looked into my eyes for a tick before sighing and looking the other way.

Suddenly, the screen began beeping, taking the attention away from Keith and back to the base.

"Identify yourself." A female computer said, the words she spoke written in Galran.

Shiro turned to Coran, "Open a hailing frequency, Coran."

Coran did just that opening the correct frequency and letting Shiro speak.

"We are the Palidans of Voltron, sent here by Ulaz."

There was a moment of silence and a tense chill in the air.

"Three may enter. Come unarmed." Allura narrowed her eyes at the command.

"Why would they insist we come unarmed? Shiro, this doesn't feel right." Allura said.

"We've come too far to turn back now." Shiro said.

"They just sent us a route to the base, but we'll have to move quickly." Coran said as he uploaded the route, "Because of the solar flares, it's only open for another varga. Then it will be closed for two quintants."

"They're gonna close it for two years?" Hunk asked.

"Two days." Pidge corrected.

"So, any thoughts on who's gonna join you on this little mission?" Lance asked hoping to be chosen to tag along, "I'm thinking things might get a little hot, so you're gonna wamt someone who can stay cool."

"You're right," Shiro said before facing Keith and me, "Keith, Zurine, you're coming with me."

"What?!" Lance exclaimed, "Alright, Zurine I can understand because she's good at negotiations and talking things out, but Keith? He's a hothead! He's probably going to shoot first and ask questions later! And they're not ginna be able to answer his questions becauwe they'll all be dead!"

Lance, as he spoke, inched closer to Shiro's face until their noses almost touched.

Shiro gently pushed Lance away, "We haven't yet severed Zarkon's link to the Black Lion, so it has to stay here. And the Red lion can withstand the heat from that sun. Also, the White lion can aid in energy transfer and Zurine knows more about negotiating and this type of astronomical being. So yes, it'll be Keith and Zurine."

We turned our attention back to the screen, "The course to the base will be treacherous to say the least." Coran informed us, "You're walking a razor's edge between the gravitational pull of the black holes and the sun."

"If that's the case, we must be extremely careful. One false move, and we'll be either crushed into infinity by the holes, or burnt to a crisp by the sun." I said.

After we changed into our armor and left all our weapons on the ship, we entered the Red and White lions, setting course for the Blade of Marmora base.

As I followed the holographic path on screen, I had a conversation with my lion.

"White, do you think we can trust the Blade of Marmora?"

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