14. More about our story

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Hey guys

I'm sorry.

there's no story update today

But I thoght it would be cool if we get to know more about some of the characters in our story.

So let's begin


Ariel read


birthday: 6.4.2001

17 years old

zodiac sign is Aries

Galaxy blue eyes with black hair

- literally A TSUNDERE.

- Hates to show any weakness in front of anybody and tries so hard to hide her sweet calm side so people thinks she's tough 

- People fall for her once they get to know her better.

- She will do anything to get what she wants so you better NOT stand in her way.

- Her popularity in school is huge. Everybody likes her and she tries to show the same though she has trust issues towards literally everybody except Lisa and Beth(the maid).

- Ian is slowly starting to be her true friend. We don't know what will come next.


Lisa Marley

Green eyes and light brown hair


Birthday: 29.7.2000

18 years old

zodiac sign is Leo

- There's not much to talk about her. She's simply that savage girl who will speak the ugly truth in front of your face without faking things, and that's what Ariel likes about her the most.

- That kind of girls who everybody wishes she had their back and she got Ariel's.

- Ariel's best friend for 2 years now.

- She's very smart, she kinda knows that Ariel is not a normal human.

- Ariel told her that she doesn't want to talk about the past so Lisa respects that. But we don't know what would happen in the future.


Ian bentham

brown hair and blue eyes


Birthday: 15.6.2001

17 years old

zodiac sign is Gemini

- A guy with a sweet personality. Nice to everybody he meets. He was getting bullied when he was younger because he was shy and kinda sensitive.

- He's still shy sometimes with Ariel and can't look into her eyes directly.


Cillian Manson

sharp Hazel eyes and silky hair.


birthday: 11.10.1994

24 Years old

zodiac sign is Libra

- Still a mysterious guy to us who likes to wear hooded sweaters.

- He currently lives on the star 73 with the queen.

- His job now is to keep Ariel safe from the deadly shadows

We will find out more about him more with the episode

Hope you have now a small image of the characters :)

Enjoy the music!

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