7. Fuzzy vision

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It's Saturday, I think we're going to James' place. I've never thought in my whole life that I'd walk down the street with Ariel. She's the popular girl in school and ...the bright. one. Not like me.

normal POV

It's summer! Ariel was wearing her favourite skirt, a loose blouse and a pair of sandals.

"So Ian, how was your week?"

"Uh.. fine I guess"

"Hmm, I heard you had nice grades in our last biology exam"

"Oh yeah. Uhm... I like natural sciences"

Ariel chuckles

"I see, is there any subject you're not good at? "

Ian's blush seared through his cheeks. "Thanks, you're also very good in uh... PE"

"Oh no, I'm very bad, haven't you seen my tumbling last week? It was hella awkward"

"But you've had so many points in your other moves, besides your tumbling wasn't awkward at all, it was just a weak jump for the distance"

" Oh ok"

"You should always make sure you have the right distance to jump. It only needs some practise I can teach you if you want"

"Oh yeah thanks, that'd be..."

"NO, no training, you're only here to help her that's all" James said

"James please, we don't want any stress, hey kid" Will said

"Hey" said Ian.


Ariel POV

For some reason, I'm not focusing on what I should do now, I feel like I'm going to pass out. Everything around me went fuzzy.

I heard some voices, it was Will's voice I guess.

I opened my eyes to find myself on a bed, it's already night.

What the hell, did I passed out for hours??

I saw Ian sitting next to me

"Hey, finally"

"What happened?"

"You've been passed out from the morning and... Uh, James and Will are assuming that your power used all your energy from last time so, that's why you couldn't do that again"

Suddenly my stomach growled, oh no. this is hella embarrassing.

"Oh should I bring you some food, what do you want" said Ian.

"No, I... I should actually go home, I'll eat later"

Ian gave me this "for real now?" Look.

"or you can bring Uhm... 2 Chile-stuffed cheeseburgers... Uhm with extra cheese and fries. Cola and some chocolate ice cream.

I swear his eyes went big for seconds like he couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe it either. One Burger was always enough to me but now I just felt sooo... sooooo hungry.

Like I didn't eat... for ages


I couldn't believe what I'm seeing right now. Ariel was setting in bed around her were the cartoon bags of the food. She was eating so fast, she already ate 3 Burgers and now eating the 4. one.

oh no, she noticed me staring at her

She chuckled nervously

"Sorry I don't normally eat like this, I just.."

I handed her a tissue

"It's okay, you don't have to explain, wait. Does that means..."


"I guess you eat a lot when you use your power too much... I guess that's the reason since you don't normally eat like this"

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