33. I love you!

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trigger warning!!!

This episode is so unlogically romantic

I tried to make it romantic but... It turned to be cheesy af. LOL

At least I tried my best ok. Enjoy!


Ariel POV

Ok, no replay. today is Sunday and he didn't say anything

(How was the party?)

I sent the message, but it wasn't delivered

Monday, Tuesday. I didn't see him

Wednesday morning

"Hello, Mrs Bailer. Do you know where Mr Manson is?"

"Oh hey sweety, he's not working here anymore"


"He said a goodbye speech on Monday"

"What? How? sorry I don't understand. I was there on Monday"

"Yeah the speech was at... 8 o'clock I think"

"I didn't have lessons at that time, no one said anything"


"ok thanx"

I've never run that fast in my life, my chest was on fire.

I left my bag and everything and found myself on the road, I took a taxi and went to him.

I've never been to his house. He just gave me the address of the party.

To be honest, I had his address a few months ago. I'm not a stalker but... I was just curious.

I thought he lives in a palace outside of the city, like a serial killer. But here I am

standing in the middle of the city in front of a skyscraper, a huge one.

My chest was still on fire, I didn't know what to do. People were going outside, that's how I came into the building. It was a fancy building

"Hey, Ma'am. Wait"

Nice, this building has a security guard. I ran away and clicked the elevator, somehow I managed to get in and didn't get caught. He lived on the 20th floor. The elevator was so slow, I hope I won't get caught before I meet him.

The elevator stopped, I walked out and found 2 security guards holding a gun in my face.


"Turn around right now"

I wasn't scared, I knew I can avoid the bullet quickly but I did as they said just so I won't t get into more troubles.

"I need to see Mr Manson," I said

"No, you're not" One of them put handcuffs on my hands

Ok, both are old security guards.

"I'm not going anywhere until I see him" I screamed

"Young lady, you don't know how big the trouble you're..."

I kicked the one in front of me on the balls and tread the foot of the other one, I ran.

"Wait" The security was screaming

The hall was huge. I didn't know where to go. and yeah, didn't know which apartment was his.

I hid somewhere in the corner, trying to think quickly, all happened in less than seconds. Someone was behind me.

"Ariel?". I cried "Megan"

The security came. "Mrs Manson, we apologies for the noises, but this lady..."

She held my shoulder, "This lady is with me now. Please take the handcuffs off"

"Oh, ok. Sure". The security did as Megan said.

"And don't treat visitor as criminals" Megan eyed both men

"We're sorry Mrs Manson"

Megan left the 2 security and took me with her, to the apartment. We came in. She turned on the lights, The apartment looked so comfy and warm, and it smells the same perfume as Cillians. She brought me water, I drank the whole glass.

The room was silent, an awkward one

"I heard Cillian left the school" My voice was shaking

"He did"

"No one said anything. Literally no one"

"He asked the teachers not to say anything until the speech. It was a surprise for all students. And he chose the time on Monday at 8 o'clock so you won't be there"


"Because his job has finished. You're safe. The enemies have been caught, Ariel"

I felt tears went down my cheeks

"Now look at me, don't let your crybaby comes out now. I don't like you ok. I'm just telling you because he fu**ing cares for you. He should have been back to the moon 2 weeks ago and I'm 100% sure the reason he's still here is you".

I was so shocked. Cillian is only here for me, he doesn't want to leave me.

Megan sighed

"I don't know what he sees in you. All I know is that he gave you so much more than what you deserve. He's madly in love with you, dumba##" She raised her voice in the last sentence.

"I love him too, I love him so much" I cried

"Well, it sounds like you always realize things too damn late. You don't deserve his love, you deserve nothing from him"

I heard the door opening. He came and he wasn't surprised I'm here.

"Hey Cillian," said Megan

"Hey" he's still looking at me

"I'm leaving now," said Megan


Cillian POV

Ariel was wiping her tears. We're still standing next to the door.

"What do you want?" I asked her, I knew my voice was icy cold

"I... I had to see you"

"What do you want, Ariel?" I looked into her eyes

"Cillian, look, I'm sorry ok. I couldn't come to the party because I couldn't leave Lisa and..."


"Why you didn't tell me that you're leaving??"

"Does it matter?"

"OF COURSE IT MATTERS..." S he raised her voice.


"What am I to you, Ariel? I'm really trying to understand you. You want me in your life or not? I will always respect your choice and you know that?"

"Cillian I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, Ariel. Don't be. I'm not blaming you for anything. I'm just trying to understand"

She was avoiding my eyes, biting her lips


Suddenly she pushed me to the wall behind me, kissing me deeply.

I've never known she'd be that brave to do it.

I gave her hints. I always wanted to kiss her but she'd leave or make nervous laugh. She made me so on my knees for her and now...

I found myself kissing her back

We never pulled away. My chest was under fire

After a few minutes, she pulled away, her vibrant mouth, sweetest warmest breath. I knew I wouldn't stop if she didn't

I was still gazing at her lips

"Now you know, Cillian" She smiled

I love you Cillian, every inch of me loves you

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