23. Once tsundere... always tsundere

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Ariel POV

I was going down to the cafeteria to meet Ian

"Oh, s**t I'm late".

I ran quickly down the stairs.

I crashed into him. Yes him. In the middle of the stairs. How bad could it be? my book fell down the stairs.

And I closed my eyes because I thought, well. Normally when you lose your balance on the stairs you fall. But what happened is worse.

I found myself embraced by him, he caught me on the last minute. What the...

How could he stay in balance like that, is he a dancer?

Omg this is too embarrassing

"Can you please be more careful?" He said eventually rising one eyebrow

I couldn't say anything

He kinda wanted to pick the book up on the floor. Oh no, the book has a small sketch of him.

So I accidentally bumped my head on the pillar next to the stairs, trying to reach the book.

Don't ask how. I'm simply that dumb when I get nervous.

But it worth it, I picked the book up before he sees it.

I was expecting him to laugh at me but he was suddenly worried.

"Are you ok, Ariel?"

His big hands touched my forehead where I pumped my head messing my bangs. He was so close, Oh god, he smells so good.

The heat rushed all over my body reaching my cheeks

"It's... It's none of your business" I don't know why I said that

I stood up and ran away

"Be more careful?" he said eventually

"Leave me alone" I shouted. Why was I that aggressive?

What's going on with me?

I hate myself sometimes

and I hate how he treats me


I feel bad about everything, how pathetic am I? Why should I be so awkward when I'm around him? It's like he's special or something he's just Mr Manson and ugh gosh... I Can't forget how I called him by his first name in the hospital

Suddenly someone hit my shoulder

"Ouch, what is wrong with you," I said

"You're the wrong thing in my life. Now get up"

"Lis I'm really not in the mood"

I looked up, Jasmin was standing too

"Hey Ariel," Jasmine said that with a huge smile

"Hey, Jasmine. Don't you have a class now"

"Oh yeah... I'm skipping"

"What? you... you skipping"

"I know it's weird isn't. Me... skipping classes. Haha" She laughed nervously

"It's all because of Mr Manson," Said Lisa and rolled her eyes.

"What's with him"

She blushed

"Don't you know, he has a project today about the chocolate Cosmos"

"Okay so?"

"So she wants you to go with her"

"What, no sorry Jasmine I have a lot to..."

Jasmine's eyes went wide open in a very overload cute way.

"Don't make those puppy eyes now, you look pathetic?" Said, Lisa

"Am I?" said Jasmine

"No, you don't look pathetic Jasmine. Anyway. I can't really go with you I'm sorry. Why don't you go with Lisa"

"Hell nah, I don't do Projects," Said Lisa while eating chips

I rolled my eyes

"Ugh look Jas.."

"It's not long, only 2 hours. I don't want to go... alone" Said Jasmine eventually


"Noo, you're not going alone... Ok fine. 2 hours Only!!"

"Luv yaa"

She hugged me with a big smile on her face

Jasmine is the cutest girl you could ever meet and the smartest one too. I don't get how she has no friends. I'm not sure if she's really into the project or just wants to see Mr Manson... I don't care either way.

I'll just go with her because that's what friends do, right?

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