10. Ready or nah?(short update)

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"Ok class, take out your homework I gave you last week"

Ariel's table was empty

"Hey Ariel, hellloooo" Ian was hissing to the dreamy Ariel. He taped her


"The homework??"Hissed Ian again

Ariel looked shocked

Mrs Smith was making her way to Ariel's table when Ian passed his sheet of paper to Ariel.

"Oh Ian, what happened?"

"Sorry Mrs Smith I completely forgot about it"

"Oh, busy weekend?"

"Yeah, I guess"

"Ok, make sure you find time for it, it will help you to understand the new topic, I'll give you extra exercises if you want"

"YeahYeah that would be very helpful, thank you"

"And you Ariel" she looked at Ariel with a strict face

And then continued with a brief smile

"keep it like that"

Ariel nodded with a nervous smile.


"Sorry Ian, I was really.."

"It's ok Ariel, just don't forget your homework on this woman's lessons"

"Yeah I know she's hella creepy with everyone except you"

"You're making it a thing, she thinks it's good that there's someone interested in chemistry"

they reached the school door

"Ok, I have to go. See at James place"

"Yeah see you"

"Thank you again"

"no problem"

Ariel was walking her way down to home, enjoying the sunny day.

the wind gusted again.

She automatically remembered yesterday's wind and the guy. She still doesn't know whether she should tell anyone about it. Because the whole situation seems somehow unreal.

To say that he's her protector?

Who's here and why should she be more careful?

A lot of questions pumped in her mind.

She took a long sigh

She started talking to herself

"Ok Ariel, just forget the hell about him, why you're thinking of him anyway?"


At James place.

Ariel breaths heavily

"What are you doing, Ariel?" Said James

"Mind training won't help much to fight against someone"

"fight who? you don't need those gym weights"

"I should think of all the possibilities"

"Ok, Just don't hurt yourself," Will said.

"I'll be fine, Will"


I'm so sorry guys

I'm sadly late as always 

Thoses couple of weeks is going to be the hell to me

I'll be very busy 

I'm not going to take break

but the updates are going to be shorter than the normal updates

wish you all a happy easter and a nice holiday!

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