9. Who We Want To Be?

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Ariel POV

"You look perfect," I said to her.

"No, can't you see? My hair... Ugh such a mess"

"Your boy won't come today, Jessi told me, he's with some other friends so relax, ok?"

"Are you *** kidding me?"

"Well, that's..."

" Who the heck is Jessi ?"

"His sister, she won't come either and her brother has other plans soo"

"I'm going home"

"For real now?!"

Everything was perfect, food, DG and... you.

Black jeans, white shirt, walked into the hall and made my heart fall. Who are you?

You're not from my school, not from here nor from this town.

You didn't look at me.

You're still looking around, this bored look. As if nothing really interesting here. You're arrogant, yes. I can see that from your moves. Your hand is touching your hair as if it's messy and you want to fix it but you make it even more... cooler.

Your friends have the same basic look as yours. The "nothing is really interesting here" look.

Oh no, you suddenly looked at me. Eye contact was the only thing I was avoiding the whole time. Well, of course, everything has to go against my will.

Luckily my friend Lisa wanted to go to the restroom.

Yes, he can't follow me with his eyes anymore.

"Hurry, we should go" I said

"Yes ok I'm holding my glass jeez"

I took a deep sigh when I entered the restroom.

"Hey, is everything alright?" asked me, Lisa.

"Well, yeah. Uhm... there was a guy staring at me the whole time"

"Hmm, is he sexy?"

"For real now? staring at people is creepy, not sexy"

"Oh wait, you mean the guy next to the door hall?"

I noded

Lisa chuckled

She continued with fixing her lipstick

"Girl, he has the sexiest look I've ever seen. You should feel lucky that he was staring at you"

"Ugh just shut up"

I went up to the balcony because I was gasping for air, I need some fresh air right now.

I took a very deep breath with eyes closed, felt the night breeze around me, summer nights are the best. But it was a bit cold, I guess summer is really going to end...

I was closing my eyes, it's like I'm trying to forget the whole night and... you.

Suddenly I felt something was warped around my bare shoulders. It felt warm, a familiar warmth, a familiar smell. I opened my eyes to see you standing in front of me. Ok now I see, you're at least 15cm taller than me.

"Summer is closing its doors, you shouldn't go out like that"

I rose my brow, who are you to tell me how to go out??

you were smiling.

What the hell you're smiling about?

He was an Idiot with the most beautiful smile and jawline.

Your hazel eyes caught my attention.

People can go deep, drown and die in your eyes, they were literally shining against the streets lights.

They were giving me a familiar warmth.

"Oh... and you're playing my bodyguard I guess? " I said.

You chuckled and after seconds you looked down to the streets

"You've never changed. Still as cute as ever "

Were you really that shy to say that while meeting my eyes? because.. you don't seem like a shy guy.

Suddenly you were a whole different person from the guy I met down in the ball.

"What? excuse me, do I know you ?" I said that with a nervous laugh because I really don't know you.

And you're talking as if we knew each other from another world or another.. planet

You took a couple of seconds before you say

"answering your first question. Yes, I am. Be careful where you going because they're here"

And in a blink of an eye, you were gone...


Hey guys,

Sorry for yesterday

I had no time to update

So I decided I'm going to do my updates on sundays

because I have more time to write and update

write me your thoughts about this episode and our new character >.<

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