15. Back on earth

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A long sigh came from Beth's lungs

"Oh thank god, my dear. She's here, Will"

Will came and held Ariel hard in his arms

"Where were you? what happened to you, you alright?"

Ariel has never seen Will's tears before. It's not like he's that tough man but he always hid his emotions from Ariel, so she won't think he's weak.

What he didn't know is that those tears made him more caring in Ariel's eyes, more as a Father.

"I'm fine, Will"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's been 2 hard days but I'm alright"

"Hmm, ok. Go get some sleep, we'll talk tomorrow if you want"

"Yeah. Thanks, Will"

He answered her with a small smile and a hug


The next morning

"So you've been attacked by those deadly shadows? are they still here?" Said James

"Yeah, but I... It sounds crazy but I have some golden weird sand in my blood system now. This sand is my a cure to anything attacks me with no exceptions" Said Ariel.

"Oh Lord" Said James.

"Those 2 days were like a dream to me. Star 73 didn't look like Uranus yet for somehow everything was familiar to me". Said Ariel

"That's because they lived in Uranus for a while. Do you still remember the aliens there on Uranus, Ariel? Did they looked like them"Said James

"Not really..."

"Ok, I'm going to put a couple of security for you" Said Will.

"I don't need that, Will"

"Yes you do, Ariel"

"Don't argue on that Ariel, we all thought that we... lost you and we don't want to live the same moments again" said Ian.

Ariel took a long sigh opening the door heading to her room

"Ariel, wait"

Ian stood in front of her awkwardly

"I'm very happy you're okay now, Ariel. You have no idea... how we..."

"It's ok Ian. I'm very sorry I caused all that.."

"No. It's not your fault. Anyway yeah. I'm very happy"

Ariel smiled briefly


He smiled back awkwardly

*few seconds*

"Can I go now to my room?"

"Oh right, yeah. Actually no"

"What's going on Ian?"

"Ahh, Lisa.."

"What's with Lisa?"


"You're scaring the hell out of me, is she ok?"

"Yeah, yeah she's very... ok. Perfect"

"Then what?????????"



Ariel's POV

I was going upstairs shouting at Ian

"I can't believe you've done this, how could you?"

"I'm sorry Ariel there was no choice, she was very worried"

I opened my room to see her, Lisa standing watching the night sky through my window



"Ian please leave us alone"

"Why? is there something he doesn't know?" said Lisa


"Ok, see you later" said Ina and closed the door behind him.

"Look, Lisa, I'm sorry"

"You don't have to be Ariel, it's... It's normal I knew that there was something going on and you didn't tell me and I felt that you knew that I knew but still didn't care.."

"Nooo Lisa, I care, I really do care I've told you before that there's some stuff that I'm really upset about and I couldn't really talk about it because.."

I couldn't breath. I was scared that Lisa won't get what I'm saying.

"I wouldn't think for one moment that you're crazy at all, maybe a little but I'll believe you and you know that"

"I'm sorry, I really am. Ian knew by accident... really"

"I know all that, I know that but for some reason, I feel like.."

"Lisa, please believe me. This is the only thing I didn't tell you, I swear"

"I know that Ariel, it's not like I've met you yesterday"


Lisa was keeping her face straight when I kissed her cheek

"Eww, you little... You know I hate kisses"

"I love you"

"Ok stop you're making the situation worse"

I burst out laughing while Lisa took a long sigh with an awkward laugh at the end.

Hey guys 

I'm so sorry I was very busy last week but 

now it's finally summer 

I hope I'll get more time to write and update

Thank you :)

wish you all a very nice evening  

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