"Ohhh no Star, she was real, I know it! I swear it! Nobody has believed me, but I swear she was at your sleepover." He kept feeling upset, even Star thought he was a liar or a nutcase.

"Marco, if that is true, then why have you not found her yet?" Star asked him a logical question.

"I DON'T KNOW!" He shouted loudly in frustration. "I spent 16 years searching for, and tracking down Hekapoo, but can find no trace of Kelly." It was so maddening to him that he really didn't know what to do with himself.

"Marco it has been a few days, so why don't you give it a rest." She suggested.

Marco got up and moved over to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and shook her back and forth roughly. "Star, please! I am not making this up, she could be really hurt, or-or..." He didn't know how to finish the sentence.

"Whoa, Marco!" She placed her hands on his shoulders to get him to stop and then stared into his eyes. "Calm down a bit, if, whats-her-name... Katie exists..."

"KELLY!" Marco shouted.

"Err... Kelly exists. Then freaking out and yelling won't help you find her." Star said as she felt Marco relax a tiny bit in her grasp, and he slowly lowered his hands until they slid off of her.

"Y-you're right Star. I just... I don't know, I feel responsible. I want to help her so badly." He admitted and hid his gaze from Star. He could feel the tears coming, and he was not about to let her see them.

Star could feel her heart ache for him, and though she had distanced herself from him in recent times, she still had these strong emotions for him. Seeing him hurt like this was hard for her.

"Marco, if I help you look for her, will you please try to calm down?" Star eventually said.

Marco shook his head, he was in complete disbelief that somebody was even willing to entertain this thought for a minute, but he eventually gave her a smile. "Yeah Star, if-if you would help me look I... it would make me feel a whole lot better."

"Alright Marco, fine, sure, BUT, if we search for her together and don't find her, then you have to give this thing a rest. Okay?" Star said as she removed her hands from him, placing them on hips.

"I... Alright fine, but..." Marco was about to add something to the agreement, but just let out a sigh. "Okay... I will give it a rest if we both can't find her."

"Great!" Star said, as she held up her wand and with a gentle flick her pink cloud with adorning wings appeared. "Cloudy!"

She turned to Marco and smiled. "Let's ride!" She roared as she hopped onto the magical creature.

Marco nodded slowly and then got on behind Star. He gently placed his arms around her frame to hold on, and the warmth of his touch made Star feel anxious and embarrassed.

Star sat there and said nothing while Marco just kept his arms around her waiting for something to happen.

"Uhhh Star?" He said to her.

"O-oh, ye-yes Marco?" She stammered slightly, and looked back at him, unsure of what he was going to say.

"Well, we aren't moving, so I thought?" He started to say.

"OH-Oh yah. Hahahah!" She laughed nervously. "To the Forest of Certain Death Cloudy!" She shouted.

The cloud took off and flew out of Marco's room window, as they made their way towards the dangerous forest.

"The Forest of Certain Death? Marco asked, unsure if it was even wise to go in there after what he had experienced.

"Well that's where you said you lost her, so I figure it is the best place to look. If anything funny happens, I have my magic to take care of things." She held up her wand proudly.

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