Dream And Reality

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I was in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by trees. No! It was not me actually. It was the wolf. The large gray and yellow wolf, whom I had last seen four years ago. She was very afraid for some reason, which was very unusual for her. Her golden eyes were full of terror, she was not in her usual fierce form.


Then I noticed, the reason of her fear. She was surrounded by a dozen of other wolves in a semicircle. They were all advancing toward her, and she started to step backward, not to know what to do, how to fight them. The wolves started to growl ferociously, in a manner to warn her. Their bared sharp teeth were all prepared, ready to tear down my wolf. 

I almost thought she would die, when suddenly a shadow of a large wolf started to get visible behind her. A large black wolf slowly emerged from the dense forest, and stood tall behind my wolf. It's amber eyes were shining brightly, radiating a surrealistic protective aura around my wolf.

Immediately with much surprise , all the other wolves who were ready to take my wolf down, started to cower down, whimpering meekly, flattening their ears against their head, in fear, in front of my wolf, after noticing the presence of the large black wolf. 

Surprisingly, my wolf became very calm and relaxed after sensing the presence of the large wolf behind her,it was almost like she was very happy and relieved to have the other wolf. She turned around to face the large wolf with glowing eyes, and bowed her head a little. Unexpectedly, the large wolf started to nuzzle up against my wolf, showing much affection and satisfaction. And instantly, my wolf reciprocated. 

I noticed a thin golden metal strap was visible around the neck of my wolf...

"Hey, get up, Nina... " a light shaking of my shoulders broke my sleep. Furrowing my brows I made out the figure of Sohini in front of me. 

So, it was a dream. Thank god! 

It took me a few seconds to steady myself and got up from the bed.

"Anything wrong?" I asked Sohini, being a little surprised by her sudden visit. Has Saranya returned? Has she asked for me again? 

"No," she gave me an assuring smile, "It's already two in the afternoon. The guards told me that you haven't had your lunch, so I brought your lunch. Have it, or else the guards will have to face your mistress's wrath, for keeping you unfed," She chuckled . 

So, she hasn't returned yet. And I slept for a solid four hours.

"She has put this collar on your neck? " I looked up at Sohini, while eating, she was eyeing me with furrowed brows, sitting opposite to me. 

"Huh? Yes! " I replied gulping the food in my mouth. 

"Has she bitten you? " Sohini seemed a little worried and disappointed, "Or has she forced you into...into anything? " she interrogated me, with arms crossed near her chest.

The way she was shooting the questions, it was totally countering the fact that she was beaten by Saranya in the morning. 

Was it normal to ask a slave about her well-being? 

"No...no...apart from the collar and a few other things, she was not very harsh or forceful on me. " I said, consciously ignoring the 'wolf' and the 'kiss' parts, "and she hasn't bitten me." 

Sohini heaved a sigh of relief after learning this, "She can be pretty harsh or a little mean at times, but she is in all total--- a more or less decent person to deal with. Just try to obey her commands, she can be a little sadist from time to time, and she does have a lot of temper problems, but I don't think you will face her anger, if you follow her orders properly."

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