Breakfast Date

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Outside of Saranya's room two guards were already awaiting for me. One of them gestured me to follow her. I started to follow her lead quietly. They took me to a room a few doors after Saranya's room. 

"This is where you are going to stay." The woman followed me inside the room, while the man stayed outside the door." Clean yourself. Get dressed. There are some clothes and undergarments in the closet. You have half an hour." She gestured towards the attached door inside my room."There's the washroom." 

Instructing me she took position beside a bedpost, with that same stoic expression.

"Ain't you going to leave and wait outside? " I asked her, a bit confused. 

"No, I am instructed to stay in the room with you." 

Obviously, to keep an eye on me. Like I have any energy left to try to escape from a vampire's mansion. 

Though the room had only basic furniture and lacked any decoration , it was decently maintained and fairly big , not as big as Saranya's room, but way bigger than my apartment's bedroom. Apart from a bed, located in the center, it had a closet, a shelf,  a study table with chairs and a small chest of drawers beside the bed. I opened the closet, a found a plain white t shirt and a jogger's pant in it along with some other clothes, and some fresh undergarments, which I hoped would fit me.

I could constantly feel the eyes of the guard on my back, but I chose to ignore her anyway.

Let her eye me as much as she wants, but she will be disappointed to have nothing interesting or alarming news to present to her Queen about her captive, I had thought.

I took the time to clean myself in the bathroom. The cold water of the shower did succeeded to temporarily take away my worries about my immediate future and what Saranya was planning to do to me.  Surprisingly I was worried about Saranya's future plans with me, but the fears I had about Saranya or how would I end up , were long gone somewhere. If I would be the dinner of the vampire within some days or may be in some hours, I should make the best of my last few moments. 

After cleaning and drying myself, when I came in front of the mirror, I still found my left cheek a little swollen. 

God!  How hard that woman in the slave market had slapped me? Is she also a vampire ?

Wait! Are all of them present in the mansion are non human like Saranya? My mouth went  dry with this sudden realisation.

How many of them are even present here, I thought, and for how long? Is it also possible that I am not the only one here? May be there are more like me? 

The thoughts about my past which caused my father's death suddenly cast me down again. My father was the only family I had. And I myself brought an end to his life, because of that curse. But after my father's death I never heard from that dark part of mine again. Like she disappeared somewhere, until last night. When I first met Saranya, she was back again, for a while, but it was enough to freak me out. What if... 

"Are you done?" the sudden knock on the door of the washroom brought me back to reality. 

"Ye-es," I responded in a shaky voice. " Just a minute." I hastily got clothed and wiped out the teardrops from my cheeks, which had escaped from my eyes unknowingly, a few seconds ago.

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"May I come in?" I knocked on the doors of Sohini's room before entering. The doors were open and Sohini was majestically half lying on her bed and smoking a cigarette with her eyes closed. My sudden arrival broke her euphoric moment with her cigarette. After hearing my voice she sprung out from her bed and quickly put the cigarette inside the ashtray. 

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