I brought up my hand and caressed her cheek gently. Then I kissed her forehead. "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, Y...Your Highness."

"Again, you're not a servant anymore, you have never been one," I muttered the last part under my breath.

"Come on, show me around."

With that we walked across the gardens. She admired everything within her eyesight whereas me, I've visited a few times so there wasn't anything mind blowing for me. Once we were halfway through, she decided to sit in a small clearing which was surrounded by all types of plants. It was peaceful. There was a river not far from where we were, the sound of running waters somehow made the environment more serene. My Little Flower just closed her eyes and sat on the soft grass, relishing her surroundings. Her fiery hair swayed along with the soft breeze.

"Are you tired?" I asked after a while.


"You need to strengthen yourself. I hope the new environment will improve your health." She nodded at this.

"I will be leaving soon, Little Flower," she finally turned to look at me once I said those words. She no longer looked down, she was staring at me in the eye. "I have to go back and make plans for the war to come. Those giant trolls are not going to stop and they will be back real soon."

She looked at me for a long time before answering a quiet 'okay.'

I knew she had more questions burning inside that pretty head of hers but like always she held her tongue.

"Just ask. Whatever it may be." I ordered.

"A..Alex and I..Your Highn-"

"Will remain here, where you both belong." I said firmly. She gaped at me in shock. She looked adorable with her wide eyes and parted lips.

"Why does this surprise you?" she shrugged at my question and looked at her lap. "You thought I was going to drag you back to Red Kingdom?" I was genuinely curious about what goes on in her mind.

"I...I don't know." She whispered out.

"You will never be a servant again Little Flower, understand that. You're with your family now. Your real family. All I ask now is that you recover from everything that has happened to you. Please be happy. Please find your happiness and I hope that someday you will be able to forgive me." Her eyes held an unexplainable emotion at that moment. I just couldn't figure out what it was.

Sadness? Worry? Fear?

"What are you thinking?"

She shook her head slightly and looked at a few pixies nearby.

"C..can I give paper?" I looked at her with a raised brow. She seemed to be thinking hard.

"Paper? Why?" she then made a gesture of writing in her palm.

"A letter you mean?" she nodded.

"Yes you can but to whom?"

"My family there. I...I miss them," she said softly.

"I'll make sure they receive your letter. I can't do much for them now, I hope you understand."

"Thank you Your-"

"Try Prince Phoenix instead." I cut her off. I didn't like her calling me Your Highness all the damn time.

"Thank you Prince Phoenix," she muttered hesitantly, trying to avoid eye contact. My name rolled out beautifully from her lips. Its gave me a warm feeling.

Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now