Till the end of time

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(She dared me to do this angst fic, not one, but more. So here's the first one evil_mandy)

Multiple concussions costs everything. This applied to Jay Reso, having to suffered through it multiple times, helping him getting back to the ring. Well, he did but he was on painkiller meds only, he didn't care. He did what he had to do to just come back to the ring and wrestle, he wanted to do this for so long as he can but it was not the same to Adam, his current partner.

Adam Copeland, formerly known as The Rated r superstar, Edge. He was forced to retire due to his neck injury and if he didn't, h would have been paralysed from then. However concussions were Jay's problems, not Adam's. He didn't want to become more of a burden to him more than he should, that's why painkillers helped him.

Even against orders, he insisted on wrestle, even if it was just live events. Thankfully it was justa good 20 minute match and he was already tired. As soon as he was done, his head started spinning that he had to grip on something, but someone was already on him, everything just went black.

It was Adam. "Jay? Hey, what's going on, help! Anyone help!"


It was then Adam knew more than he knew Jay after so many years. Jay had a brain tumour, due to his excessive takings of painkillers, it took over and started. Why did he was still wrestle even if his condition was bad enough, he even went with check-ups behind his back, and by now, he was so mad that he couldn't, more like doesn't want to see Jay.

"Adam? Where's Jay? Hey...". Chris and AJ heard the news and they both rushed in to see what happened but Adam had walked past them, and walked out on Jay.

Months Later

Unfortunately Adam never came back after that day, it was just Chris and AJ now been helping taking care of Jay. Jay was disappointed but he couldn't blame him, it was his fault to begin with, he didn't tell Adam the truth, because he didn't want to worry, despite the bright side he had great company.

However, he felt even more guilty knowing that the doctors had estimated that he has only a week left to live and Chris had been trying to convince him to talk to Adam but it was no use, he wasn't going to pickup any more calls especially from Jay. So AJ did try talk to Adam and fortunately it did work, so they had to meet up somewhere. When they did, Adam looked like crap, he looked like he didn't sleep for days. "So what you two want?"

Skip Time

Adam looked away as he held back his tears, "this is this final week?"

Chris nodded at his best friend, "you got to talk to him man, there's no use, you're the only one he has left besides us of course and –"

"Let's go".

As soon as they reached to the hospital, Adam was pacing back and forth, afraid of what he would see and what would he say. "It's okay, I'm sure he would love to see you again, it's been a long time Adam. Just go for it".

Adam sighed as he saw Jay was writing somethings on his journal Adam gave after his retirement.

"C-Can I come in?"

"Sure, I –". Jay was starstruck, it was Adam, he hasn't seen Adam for so long, too long to be exact, and immediately Adam went straight hugging his partner, apologizing for everything and Jay could just rubbed his back as he was crying too.

Weeks Later

Surprisingly, it looks like Jay was doing better, he surpassed the time estimated by the doctors, maybe this would be a good sign for them. They were walking around the hospital area when Adam broke the silence. "Hey, remember we did the E and C show? Great times".

"Yeah, definitely, I love how we teased our fans over our gayness, you know, life partner". Adam blushed, "Sure you are, my life partner, no one else".

As soon as Jay was done saying that, he winced as his head started spinning again, immediately his world turn black and dropped to his knees to the ground. "Jay! Oh my god, HELP! Someone help!". Jay was experiencing another seizure and Adam just remembered the one thing he wish it wouldn't happen. The doctors tried to keep him calm but it wasn't working so he pushed them away, sat on the bed, wrapping his arms around Jay, trying to calm him down.

"I – I – I d-don't w-wanna...d-d-d-die, A-a-adam please".

Adam shushed him, "it's okay baby, you'll be okay we're trying our best, you're gonna walk, talk like this never happened. I promise, whatever happens, I'm always be by your side". Then Jay lost his grip on Adam as they all heard the worst sound in the hospital. The long monotone beeo from the monitors and that was it. Jay was officially gone.

Adam was still hugging him when the nurses confirm his time of death, he cried and cried, having the nurses to leave him alone with Jay. He was reluctant to let him go because this was forever him letting go, no more able to touch him, hug him, cuddle, or even love him anymore, it was hard.

He then left the room and called Chris and AJ and broke the news. As soon as they came in, they found Adam curled up himself and still cry over Jay. "Adam?"

He looked up and he sobbed even harder, he wished he never left that day, he should have stayed with all the way and never left his side, but that was all gone now. 20 years of being together, thrown away because his decision, and he just spent a few weeks of his last. 

Edge & Christian Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें